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The Evolution of Fiction Books in U.K (Research Paper Sample)


the sample is about the evolution of fiction books in the UK in exploring the social and cultural aspects of the people. the question is about Britishness which has been challenged in the new young adult fiction. the paper questions whether the newly published books have any impact on UK society. the paper uses the reflective approach hence it is more of a personal experience through a series of exposure to the workshops and lectures.


The Evolution of Fiction Books in U.K

Research question: the evolution of fiction books in the country has been driven to explore the social and cultural aspects of the people. How is 'Britishness' represented or challenged in recent young adult fiction published in the U.K?
Section On: Abstract:
Through a series of workshops and lectures, I gained a higher understanding of the course's expectations. I learned to evaluate my current personal standing and which paths I could take to improve myself. I understood the possibilities that were open to me and how I could find work that would benefit my degree. I started filling in the ethics form. Understanding increased again. I decided doing a work placement wasn't the best thing for me as I already have a job. I didn't want it to clash or have extra work. Briefly became a lot clearer to me. I began writing my first blog about my reading journey. I was handed in my ethics form, and more clarity was given to ease into the new semester. I understood what was expected of me, and seeing as I missed it, Io I began to rework my first blog.
With the knowledge gained from the lecture, I learned about the opportunities available to me. By finishing my Blog 1, I gained more information about what the unique selection at the university library entailed. I was equipped to write the second blog on the book I chose, 'How to Like An Angel' by A. G. Macdonell. I learned how literature could influence our view on culture and vice versa. I made some rough notes which helped me to draft my theory question. Sites on the blackboard allowed me to access precious information from different newspapers when the book was published. I found it difficult to pinpoint which sources I wanted because the writing confused me. However, I reviewed the marking criteria for the assessment and looked at some sample ones. I listened to past students' experiences and decided it was not for me. I attended a lecture on reading sources and effectively utilizing them in my writing. After reviewing the entire module again, I settled on the idea of 'Britishness' and learned what was to be expected. I decided to redo my blog two and write about Anne of Green Gables instead, as I felt my massive dislike for 'How to Like an Angel' diminished my writing.
To enrich my concept of Britishness, I further read three books that showed how different authors illustrated how Britishness is. Britishness is represented in a complex and sometimes contradictory way. For example, in Eleanor Catton's novel The Luminaries, Britishness is associated with wealth and power, while at the same time, it is portrayed as corrupting and destructive. Similarly, in Malorie Blackman's Noughts & Crosses trilogy, Britishness is seen as oppressive and liberating – ultimately providing a blueprint for freedom against fascism. And finally, in Francesca Simon's The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Britishness is seen as both relaxed and carefree and isolating and soulless.
Section 2, Deciding my question:
* What is the aim of the project?
* What question did you want to answer and why?
* What is the importance of this project?
* To whom is your project important?
The research explores diversity and representation in Young Adult fiction in a U.K. context. The model of diversity and minority groups in Young Adult fiction is a topic gaining increasing attention in recent years. There has been a rise in the number of books aimed at young adults which feature protagonists from minority groups, and this trend looks set to continue in the years to come. This increased focus on diversity can be seen as a response to the growing variety of the U.K. population, with minority groups making up an increasingly large proportion of the population.Diversity is represented in Young Adult fiction by exploring minority groups from a different perspective than is commonly seen in mainstream media. For example, books that focus on characters from ethnic minorities often feature protagonists who are not typically portrayed in the media, which can be a powerful way of breaking down stereotypes and encouraging people to think more critically about how minority groups are represented.Another way in which diversity is represented in Young Adult fiction is through the use of LGBTQ+ characters. While these characters are not always given the same level of attention as those from minority groups, they are still an essential part of the narrative. LGBTQ+ characters can help dispel myths and misconceptions about this group of people and provide a more realistic representation of LGBTQ+ relationships in fiction.

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