How Secure Cloud Architecture Work in Banking Sector IT Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)
This study focused on how secure cloud architecture works in the banking sector. Four objectives directed the research, to establish the extent to which banking firms have hosted data in the cloud, to create the architecture is in cloud data hosting by the firms. Also, set security in cloud data hosting and to determine the relationship between the extents of cloud data hosting. Descriptive research was adopted by targeting banks. The respondents were IT managers, assistant managers, and other IT staff in the firm. The mode of data collection was questionnaire forms. The data was analyzed using descriptive data and outcomes presented by the use of tables. The study found that to a great extent, big data analytics was adopted by the firms. It was also established that both third-party providers and the banks managed the hosted cloud solutions.
How Secure Cloud Architecture Work in Banking Sector
Name of the Class
Professor’s Name
City and State
September 2019
This study focused on how secure cloud architecture works in the banking sector. Four objectives directed the research, to establish the extent to which banking firms have hosted data in the cloud, to create the architecture is in cloud data hosting by the firms. Also, set security in cloud data hosting and to determine the relationship between the extents of cloud data hosting. Descriptive research was adopted by targeting banks. The respondents were ICT managers, assistant managers, and other IT staff in the firm. The mode of data collection was questionnaire forms. The data was analyzed using descriptive data and outcomes presented by the use of tables. The study found that to a great extent, big data analytics was adopted by the firms. It was also established that both third-party providers and the banks managed the hosted cloud solutions.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc20811652 \h 41.1 Overview of the business issue PAGEREF _Toc20811653 \h 41.2 Research Approach PAGEREF _Toc20811654 \h 61.2.1 Study design PAGEREF _Toc20811655 \h 61.2.2 Data collection PAGEREF _Toc20811656 \h 72. Literature review PAGEREF _Toc20811657 \h 72.1 Cloud computing PAGEREF _Toc20811658 \h 72.2 Cloud data hosting PAGEREF _Toc20811659 \h 82.3 Authentication Model and Data Security PAGEREF _Toc20811660 \h 92.4 Base Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) PAGEREF _Toc20811661 \h 103. Results PAGEREF _Toc20811662 \h 103.1 Security of the cloud architecture PAGEREF _Toc20811663 \h 113.2 Confidentiality PAGEREF _Toc20811664 \h 123.3 Security Threats associated with cloud architecture PAGEREF _Toc20811665 \h 134. Discussion PAGEREF _Toc20811666 \h 144.1 Suggestions for further work PAGEREF _Toc20811667 \h 15References PAGEREF _Toc20811668 \h 16
1. Introduction
Banks are the most critical elements of financial systems that are crucial for the economic growth of any country. These commercial systems need to the efficient enough to deliver their mandate with the support provided by information technology. The banking industry like the other economically dependent industries world over, has experienced various technology/computing regimes over the last 60 decades and continues to face the pressure of adapting to newer and better computing slants like cloud computing. Cloud computing embodies the future transformational step in computing. The mainframe age started the computing stage, which took around 20 years and ultimately resulted in the server/ clientage with the firms. Internet computing culminated in internet computing (Pscheidl, 2018). Currently, the banking industry is in a transformational phase that involves a shift to cloud computing. The banking market space, without exception, has had its fair share of the impact created by each computing paradigms. The computing paradigms created new ways of operating and managing information technology (IT). Today, just like in other markets, the banking chief Information Officers are being faced with the horizon with Cloud Computing or Cloud Banking for the last half a decade presenting itself with the reduced cost of computing, increasing network value, network interdependency and for computing turning complex with each consecutive wave. Therefore, cloud computing for banks has not only become a dare consideration but the ultimate destination for all banking and financial institutions that must remain customer-focused and profitable.
1.1 Overview of the business issue
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