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How a Flipped Classroom Enhances the Student's Learning Experience (Research Paper Sample)


THE PAPER WAS ADDRESSING How a Flipped Classroom Enhances the Student's Learning Experience

How a Flipped Classroom Enhances the Student’s Learning Experience
(Capstone Proposal)
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc495855911 \h 3Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc495855912 \h 5Research Question PAGEREF _Toc495855913 \h 10Rationale of the study PAGEREF _Toc495855914 \h 10The Paradigm and Methodology used PAGEREF _Toc495855915 \h 10Paradigm-Constructionism PAGEREF _Toc495855916 \h 11Qualitative Research Method PAGEREF _Toc495855917 \h 13Data Collection Procedures PAGEREF _Toc495855918 \h 15Secondary Data Sources PAGEREF _Toc495855919 \h 15Systematic Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc495855920 \h 17Ethics PAGEREF _Toc495855921 \h 18Reflective practitioner PAGEREF _Toc495855922 \h 19References PAGEREF _Toc495855923 \h 20
List of Figures
TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1: The Flipped classroom instructions PAGEREF _Toc495856093 \h 4
List of Tables
TOC \h \z \c "Table" Table 1: Some of the literature Types reviewed on Flipped Classrooms and its effectiveness in enhancing the student’s learning experience. PAGEREF _Toc495856298 \h 19
The flipped classrooms enhance the student learning experience because it overcomes most of the challenges associated with the traditional methods. The old ways of teaching consisted of assigning students the required resource materials such as textbooks to read and solve daily homework outside the school environment, although lectures and examinations were given in classes. In a flipped class setting, the students are required to first examine the topic on their own, and this is done using video lessons prepared by the lecturer or any third party. The current training methodologies require the student applications of knowledge to answering problems and tackling practical work. The tutor is only supposed to teach the students where they are not understanding rather than giving the whole lesson to the students. The modern techniques employed in a flipped classroom include providing distinguished instructions and project-based learning. The teachers are trying to create a blend of the traditional methods with flipped programs through training tools such as education that holds the learners accountable for video lessons studied at home by offering formative assessments which are embedded in time.
One notable advantage of a flipped classroom is that they free the time students are required to be in class for hands-on-work. It gives the opportunity to the students to learn by doing and making queries. Through this program, the students have the opportunity to assist each other on the weak areas and in the process, it is proving of great benefit to the fast and slow learners. Besides, Flipping changes the time allocated for the lecturers. The traditional method was disadvantageous because the teachers only engaged the active students in the class and those who don’t ask where ignored most of the times. The technique proved to be ineffective since it is the students who are dormant in the category who need more attention as compared to the active ones. A teacher once said “We refer to ‘silent failures,’” and this was the connection to the flipped classroom setting. The tutor said this to show how the flipping gives them the opportunity to address the needs of the most assistance rather than the ones who are most confident. The program has transformed teaching ways from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side” and this much assists the lecturers to focus on working with, the individual students or a team in the entire teaching session.
The flipped classroom employs a good teaching philosophy since teachers spend most of their time in helping the students who need their assistance in the class. Besides, the learners can combine efforts to solve the problems rather than each student sitting alone and doing the work individually at home. When the students tackle the challenges at home, they might not be able to address specific topics, and they have nobody at their disposal to ask questions. As a result, the flipped classrooms have a lot of merits because it solves most of these problems associated with the traditional techniques.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: The Flipped classroom instructions
The primary objective of this research proposal is to consider how a flipped classroom can be improved to enhance the learning experience of the students. The study also gives a comparison between the two techniques of teaching that is the flipped classroom versus the traditional model.
Literature Review
The literature reviewed here includes some of the findings of flipped classroom instructions which are also referred as hybrid courses in other words.
The flipped classroom is a class where the instructions are given in the traditional classroom environment with the help of computers or online activities which are used to replace the seat time for the classrooms. There is an increased number of colleges who are conducting experiments for the hybrid or flipped classes of lecturing with the aim of replacing some of the in-person meetings done in virtual sessions. According to research hybrid courses have increased at a very high rate in colleges and universities of the United States as compared to the online courses. Moreover, research shows out that the traditional classrooms are becoming useless in the schools as compared to the flipped classrooms. The use of computers in teaching to offer online teaching tutorials are some of the improvements which have been made in a flipped classroom to enhance the learning experience of the students. Hall and Dufrene, (2016, p.234) pointed out that hybrid or flipped way of giving instructions is a better way than the online courses because they erroneously assist commuter students.
The proposers of flipped classrooms had the urge to improve the students’ educational experience and also aimed at relieving the pressures in campuses. Studies show that using the flipped classrooms improves the rates of success witnessed by the students regarding learning results and retention. Furthermore, the research also showed the flipped classroom instructions helps in overcoming the challenges of shortages of classes on campus and the pressures experienced during enrolment of the students (Hall and Dufrene, 2016, p.236). According to Chuck Dzuban who is the overall manager of Research Initiative investigating how effective is the teaching methods in Central Florida University showed that the students have flourished in Florida campus using the flipped classrooms and that the program had lower dropouts than the courses which are offered entirely online. Many students tend to learn and understand better online than when taught face-to-face and thus a blend of the two is the best method of teaching. This was according to the words made by Chris Dede who is a professor dealing with the technologies of learning at the University of Harvard, specifically in the School of Education. However, the proportion of the mixture varies from one course to another.
The last two decades have witnessed changes in technology and of course pedagogy of hybrid which has led to the improvement of flipped classrooms with a significant aim of facilitating the learning experiences of the students. Moore (2013, p.165) examined the importance of flipped classrooms within the education sector. He also evaluated the disruption brought by online learning in the field of education. Furthermore, he studied on the emerging technologies that continuously upgrade the old techniques of lecturing and Bonk, and Graham (2012, p.140) has looked at the new education blending programs and their contributions to improving the learning experience of the students.
The fame of flipped classroom instruction is increasingly growing each year, and various opinions have been given to its effectiveness (Hall and Dufrene, 2016, p.238). One significant more significant advantage is that the usage of the time is very efficient as compared with other methods. A flipped classroom involves the students watching videos containing the course contents of their subjects at home. Thus the learners came to the class the following day ready and prepared to engage in an active discussion. It also gives the lecturers the opportunity to interact with the students at an individual level, and this gives him/her the chance to ascertain any cases for misunderstandings and clear up misconceptions (Bergmann and Sams, 2014, p.28). An additional advantage pertaining proper utilization of time is that once the lecturers have recorded the course content and stored it in the online version, they can efficiently use the materials for future reference. The act saves the time of repetition and gives the teachers chance to address the needs of the students in an efficient manner (Greenfield, 2009, p.69).
The student engagement improvement is often supported by the existence of research, and this is mainly because the flipped classroom offers course contents in digital versions which students can quickly make a relation to (Greenfield, 2009, p.70). Being considerate that the present day youth have grown up relying on web means of communication and information consumption, perhaps the electronic learning forms will resonate with the students more naturally (Bergmann and Sams, 2012, p.206). The learners will lose time after a short period, typically after like 10 minutes of concentration and thus the video lectures engage students more than the traditional techniques of teaching. The engagement keeps the students’ attention high, and they are likely to grasp a lot of content. The process works better with a flipped classroom since the video tutorials are short and engaging (Godwin and Miller, 2013, p.78).
Research has shown that the performance of the students seem...
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