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Research Paper Rough Draft Our research paper will have us researching a classic monster of YOUR choice from the list below. The goal will be a persuasive/analytic paper in which you view the monster through a particular "lens". (Research Paper Sample)

SUBJECT: English TOPIC: Research Paper Rough Draft Our research paper will have us researching a classic monster of YOUR choice from the list below. The goal will be a persuasive/analytic paper in which you view the monster through a particular "lens". NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 NUMBER OF SOURCES: 3 TYPE OF SERVICE: Writing from scratch TYPE OF PAPER: Research paper PAGE FORMAT/CITATION STYLE: MLA ACADEMIC LEVEL: Undergraduate DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 8th 8:00 P.M ( 7 Hours ) INSTRUCTIONS Research Paper Rough Draft Our research paper will have us researching a classic monster of YOUR choice from the list below. The goal will be a persuasive/analytic paper in which you view the monster through a particular "lens". MLA citation Monster/Creatures (Choose one from this list): Also included are ideas on the types of "lenses" you might view this creature through. A generic, non-specific, informational paper is NOT acceptable. Frankenstein: Explore the theme of parenthood Explore the theme of child-rearing/abandonment Explore the theme of scientific discovery gone-wrong (ethics) Explore the theme of gender roles Explore the critical reception that greeted the novel by Mary Shelley in 1818 Explore the theme of self-education Dracula Explore the theme of eternal life Explore the religious themes related to the vampire legend Explore the historical basis for the Dracula character: Vlad Tepes (known as "Vlad the Impaler") Explore a vampire legend from another country Explore the Victorian time period as it relates to the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker Explore Hollywood's vision of the vampire in television and movies Godzilla Explore the origin/creation of Godzilla Explore the theme of nuclear annihilation as it relates to Godzilla Explore the impact Godzilla has had on its home country, Japan Explore the theme of lizards/lizard-like creatures as monsters Explore the theme of post-war Japan as it relates to Godzilla The Mummy Explore the theme of death as it relates to the mummy Explore the mummy through the lens of foreign invasion Explore the mysteries surrounding the mummy's curse(s) Explore the Egyptian religious rituals that served as the foundation for the mummy legend Explore Hollywood's use of the mummy in its movies The Invisible Man Explore the theme of ethics as it relates to the Invisible Man Explore the work of HG Wells, author of the first novel in which the character appears Explore the science/technology behind "invisibility" in the 21st century Explore the 1933 horror classic, The Invisible Man, and its influence on movies since. Explore the theme of insanity as it relates to the novel and film Alien Explore the theme of gender roles Explore the theme of an alien through the lens of foreign invasion Explore the 1950s time period (or 1980s) as it relates to the idea of an alien or outsider. Explore Hollywood's use of the alien in its movies/television shows Hey once you choose a monster to work on most of the information needs to come from this database!/ Log in for data base is username: P00590885 Pw: Lash0903! source..
Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Child-Rearing/Abandonment in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein Family, vital to the nurturing of children, is in charge of the socialization and the prosperity of who and what is to come. The subjects of child-rearing/abandonment assume a significant role in Mary Shelly's tale Frankenstein, particularly concerning Victor's relationship with his creation. Inside these subjects of child-rearing and abandonment are in the notion of family, children, and parental duties, which were imperative inside the nuclear family amid the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In these eras, the family worked as both a social and financial unit, now and then, though, coming first of children's prosperity as abandonment, disregard and enthusiastic separation were regular practices and encounters inside the family. Freud, a notable psychoanalyst, communicated assessments concerning family working and childhood improvement. The way in which families treated children inside the setting of the nuclear family and human advancement would be quite compelling of Freud, as he delighted in breaking down society from a goal, outsider point of view. Mary Shelley's book Frankenstein manages a wide range of subjects and transgressions. One essential violation is one of abandonment. Drawing from the possibility of Victor's abandonment of his creation is the idea of children, family, and parental duties. In the novel, Victor Frankenstein embarks to investigate trial and faulty logical standards with the end goal to attempt and make another sort of being. His logical analysis is a win when he makes a composite creature of different human parts. Victor's look for power and his solid feeling of conscience is generally a subject on the novel. Then again, though, so is in exploration, of both the creature and Victor himself suggesting essential conversation starters of duty and outcome. At the point when Victor feels aversion towards his manifestations, his pride makes him forsake his monster "child." The sad consequence of leaving his monster to battle for itself is a high cost to be paid by both Victor and society. The family, vital to the childhood of children, is in charge of the socialization of who and what is to come. It could be proposed that Victor would have been insightful to show his parental obligations after those of his s. His parents displayed an abnormal state of commitment to him and his kin. In the novel, Victor is glad for his dad's profession in people in general segment which he is noted as having effectively satisfied with "reputation and honor" (Cather, 33). He treated his wife well and endeavored to shield her. Victor discloses to Walton that "each hour of my baby s life I get a lesson of becoming patient, of self-control, and of charity… “(Mellor, 35). Victor is even cited in the novel as saying, "No person could have passed a more joyful childhood than myself" (Gilbert, 39). Victor, tragically, neglects to understand his duty and commitment toward his very own creation, the results of this mistake are nothing short progression of catastrophes. Concerning the topic of parental abandonment in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, and the regular practices of disregard and abandonment on children amid the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Sigmund Freud would more than likely have a supposition on these practices as to family working and childhood improvement. As to parent's relationship with their children, "the connections would be liable to the subjective will of the person: in other words, the physically more grounded man would choose them in the feeling of his advantages and instinctual driving forces" (Gilbert, 48). Parents, as the more significant and stronger beings inside parent-child relationships do, indeed, apply an abnormal state of power over their children. Much like in the conditions on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, where the job of children either as something to be relinquished, or set to work to profit for the family, was straightforwardly impacted by the necessities of the parents, the s...
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