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Evidence Based Policing (Research Paper Sample)
The task on the paper was to write on the evidence based policing particular how the strategies employed by law enforcers in their quest to enforce law and order.
Evidence Based Policing
Policing strategies occasion controversial issues in communities. This is because of the fact that people question the ways employed by law enforcers to curb and reduce crime. The questioning has compelled the law enforcers to accommodate views of the community members when fashioning the strategies to govern the society. To ensure the use of evidence based policing remains relevant and effective, the law enforcement department is discouraged from solely relaying on research.
The approach used in introducing evidence based policing strategies in a police department must follow definite guidelines for it to be successful and effective (Lum and Leslie 142). Evidence based policing requires that there is extensive analysis and evaluation of the agency, community, its responsibility to the society and the officers. The assessment ensures that the administration is aware of the strengths and shortcomings of their strategies. The strategies include the monetary implications, problems acknowledged, results gathered from the evaluation, and how the society reacts towards the issues.
To reinvent the idea of implementing evidence based policing in an agency, it is imperative to carry out community policing studies and experiments. The study will assist to identify the most preferable and effectual policing style. To promote community policing, I would approve crime prevention and peace protection policing to be the most suitable administrative model. This is because for the police administration to successfully measure its agency’s performance, it must include participation from the community. The model will ensure that the community is actively involved in supervising and controlling police activities (Lum and Leslie 143)
Operational policing styles help to bring law and order both in a formal and informal manner when handling criminals or law breakers. An example is the legalistic style which would effectively go hand in hand with the administrative model discussed above in implementing evidence based policing. According to W...
Evidence Based Policing
Policing strategies occasion controversial issues in communities. This is because of the fact that people question the ways employed by law enforcers to curb and reduce crime. The questioning has compelled the law enforcers to accommodate views of the community members when fashioning the strategies to govern the society. To ensure the use of evidence based policing remains relevant and effective, the law enforcement department is discouraged from solely relaying on research.
The approach used in introducing evidence based policing strategies in a police department must follow definite guidelines for it to be successful and effective (Lum and Leslie 142). Evidence based policing requires that there is extensive analysis and evaluation of the agency, community, its responsibility to the society and the officers. The assessment ensures that the administration is aware of the strengths and shortcomings of their strategies. The strategies include the monetary implications, problems acknowledged, results gathered from the evaluation, and how the society reacts towards the issues.
To reinvent the idea of implementing evidence based policing in an agency, it is imperative to carry out community policing studies and experiments. The study will assist to identify the most preferable and effectual policing style. To promote community policing, I would approve crime prevention and peace protection policing to be the most suitable administrative model. This is because for the police administration to successfully measure its agency’s performance, it must include participation from the community. The model will ensure that the community is actively involved in supervising and controlling police activities (Lum and Leslie 143)
Operational policing styles help to bring law and order both in a formal and informal manner when handling criminals or law breakers. An example is the legalistic style which would effectively go hand in hand with the administrative model discussed above in implementing evidence based policing. According to W...
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