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Endocrine System and the Nervous System (Research Paper Sample)


which is system is superior between Endocrine system and the nervous system?

Endocrine system and the nervous system
The superiority level between the endocrine system and the nervous system falls in the in consideration of the functions of the two segments of the body functionalities. The nervous system is a swift process and well-aimed at controlling of regulating factor in that require swift and prompt actions on the body. This actions mainly concern instant movement of the skeletal muscles and other slow factors like control of the digestive system. The endocrine system deals mainly with hormonal process in the body which takes time and changes with the age of the organism (Brodal, 345).
Nervous system functions get into work most of the time. At any instant transmission of the impulse moves through the nervous system. Nervous systems are, therefore, an all time needed necessity as compared to the endocrine system that is assigned to specific roles. The need and use of any endocrine systems take months or years, but the nervous system gets into work anytime. When the body is experiencing perils, when the body is uncomfortable with the surrounding temperature or even the organism feels hungry. The endocrine system is majorly a special scenario system while nervous system is general. The endocrine system is restrictive and controls relatively few body organs, but the nervous system has an expansive use of all the sensory organs and corresponding or even associated organs (Brodal, 345). In conclusion, the role of the nervous sys...
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