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Attachment Styles and Female Sex Addiction (Research Paper Sample)

The research aims to establish the relationship between sexual addictions and attachment styles in heterosexual women. Based on this aim, the following questions will be applied in the study; • What impact does the attachment style of adult women have on their likelihood of dealing with sex addiction? • What attachment styles increase the vulnerability of women to sex addiction? • How do the attachment styles of sexually addicted women compare to those of nonsexually addicted women? source..
Name of Author Name of Professor Course Name Date of Submission Attachment Styles and Female Sex Addiction Introduction Background Intimate interactions are essential to each individual's welfare within the adulthood phase (Mark et al. 567; van Lankveld et al. 67). Individuals in satisfied relationships have increased quality of life and elevated happiness levels. One factor that affects the welfare of adult relationships is the attachment styles of those involved in the relationship (Zapf et al. 156). Attachment style is the degree of anxiety within a relationship and an individual’s responses to the people around them (McNulty et al. 2477). Those with low anxiety and avoidance are identified as securely attached to others. In contrast, those with elevated anxiety or avoidance are viewed as possessing an insecure attachment style (Giordano et al. 137). Those with secure attachment styles have greater confidence in their relationships, while those with insecure attachment styles avoid intimate connections and be increasingly needy of emotional intimacy. Faisandier et al. (3) describe sexual addiction as including a recurring challenge to resist the sexual impulse, a heightened feeling of tension that takes place before carrying out these feelings, a feeling of pleasure once it is acted out and a feeling of lack of control when playing it out. Moreover, sexual addiction is also defined as an individual that is frequently preoccupied with sexual behaviours, acting out to a larger degree for extensive periods than expected, while also attempting to decrease the behaviour (Faisandier et al. 15). As attachment styles establish relationship satisfaction, an understanding of these styles presents a background for exploring the likelihood that individuals may experience sexually addictive behaviours based on their attachment style. While there is no single agreed-upon diagnostic category of sexual addictions, most researchers establish that individuals who have sexual addictions tend to make highly risky sexual behaviours (Manuela et al. 773; Mizrahi et al. 467). This study will help demonstrate and identify the link between sexual addictions and attachment styles. The study's findings can be applied to structure more effective treatment protocols for sexual addiction. The data can also be used to support those whose attachment styles place them at risk for developing sexual addictions. Research Aim and Research Questions The research aims to establish the relationship between sexual addictions and attachment styles in heterosexual women. Based on this aim, the following questions will be applied in the study; * What impact does the attachment style of adult women have on their likelihood of dealing with sex addiction? * What attachment styles increase the vulnerability of women to sex addiction? * How do the attachment styles of sexually addicted women compare to those of nonsexually addicted women? Literature Review Attachment Theory After observing infants and their mothers, Bowlby (637) developed the psychodynamic-based attachment theory. According to his theory, children form ties with their parents or guardians based on the parenting style used by important adults in their life. In particular, Bowlby proves that infant separation and mother reunion affect how they develop emotional relationships. Bowlby (637) established that early childhood and maturity share a continuity of attachment so that the manner of connection in infancy would become the manner of attachment manifested in adulthood. The four types of attachment styles that are identified include secure, avoidant, anxious and disorganized. This theory will be applied to identify the different attachment styles that the participants will showcase. Theories of Sexual Addiction Goodman (2) believed that sexual addiction theory has to mainly focus on psychological procedures as opposed to behavioural procedures. According to the theory, two factors—a person's comfort with interpersonal interactions and their comfort with fantasy—are crucial. This theory is based on the idea that people who struggle to form strong relationships as children may crave them and choose metaphorical substitutes for them when they become adults (Goodman 3). On the other hand, if individuals find security in sexual activities, they are more likely to engage in sexual acting out or sexual obsession. This theory will be applied to establish an understanding of the factors that influence sex addiction behaviours. Sexuality and Attachment Giordano et al. (137) assessed the relationship between the sexuality of individuals and attachment. The results of this study demonstrated that sexual activity and relationship satisfaction are significantly influenced by attachment patterns. Giordano et al. (2137) sampled undergraduate students to understand how various measures of sexuality relate to various attachment patterns. They discovered that avoidantly attached people were more likely to have abstained from intercourse altogether or to have had their first encounter earlier (Giordano et al. 138). Additionally, it was found that avoidant people had limited sexual ideas and less committed partnerships. Unwanted but consenting sexual experiences have been associated with avoidant attachment in both men and women, as well as anxious attachment in women. Weinstein et al. (23) study the impact of various attachment styles on different components of adult sexuality. The findings showed that individuals who are securely attached to women are more sexually restrictive in comparison to men (Weinstein et al. 23). Those with fearful attachments have a greater interest in emotionless sex than those who have secure attachments. The study further established that securely attached individuals have a lower likelihood of being sexually addicted because of their increased interest in sexual activities devoid of emotional connections (Faisandier et al. 4). Avoidant individuals have a greater likelihood of being sexually addicted due to their relationally-destructive patterns and the application of fantasy as a way of substituting intimacy. Addictions and Attachment There are considerable arguments concerning the nature of sexual addiction as addiction. D’Arienzo et al. (1096) prove that sexual addiction is a disease rather than a compulsion. He also makes the point that using an addictive chemical to get high is a specific affirmation of the criteria for substance dependence. As those who are addicted to sex get their high from sex. As a result, the addiction's ability to provide pleasure is more closely related to substance dependency than it is to impulse control (D’Arienzo et al. 1101). Men with sex addiction have behavioural patterns that closely mimic those of drug use addictions and meet the diagnostic criteria for addictions, according to their research. Some studies have been conducted to associate attachment styles with addiction. For instance, a study by Kotera et al. (55) found that adolescents that have a greater secure attachment to their mothers had a lower likelihood of substance addiction. Kotera et al., (73) found that insecure attachments have a positive correlation with a greater likelihood of substance use. In their study, Zapf et al. (163) found that insecure attachment styles are associated with a higher likelihood of male sex addiction. Male adults that had an anxious attachment to their mothers as infants were increasingly exposed to sex addiction behaviours. The attachment styles that individuals possess are established as influencing their likelihood to engage in sexual addiction. Influence of Attachment Style on Sexual Addiction The current section presents literature on how attachment style impacts sexual addiction. A growing body of literature is in consensus that attachment styles substantially influence how individuals approach and experience intimacy (Mark et al. 567; McNulty et al. 2477; van Lankveld et al. 67). On the one hand, insights from past literature allude that secure attachment is associated with fulfilling intimate relationships. On the other hand, insecure attachments – disorganized, avoidant/dismissive, and preoccupied/anxious— have been noted to result in frequent casual intimacy and less satisfaction in relationships (Timmers et al. 1169). Yet, there is a potential knowledge gap regarding how attachment styles are likely to influence sex addictions especially in women, necessitating the need for this research (Reis et al. 37). While scholars allude that attachment styles form during childhood, there is a lack of consensus on how it influences sexual relationships and intimacy through adolescence and adulthood (McNulty et al. 2481; van Lankveld et al. 69). According to Giordano et al. (139), attachment influences sexual relationships possibly through how individuals perceive themselves and their social bonds with others. By contrast, Mark et al. (569) held the view that individual attachment patterns influence sexual behaviour by influencing how persons act in relationships and approach their partners. The current section further explores this debate in the context of the four attachment styles (secure, disorganized, avoidant/dismissive, and anxious/preoccupied) widely recognized in the literature. Findings show that this attachment style predisposes individuals in how they approach, perceive, and experience intimate relationships, potentially helping them understand how they might influence sex addictions. Secure Attachment van Lankveld et al. (68) reported that secure attachment is characterized by affectionate individuals, who seek long-term relationships, have boundaries in their intimacy, and are less likely to engage in casual sex. Persons with secure attachments prefer sexual activity in romantic, committed relationships. A major focus is to seek long-term relationships anchored on warmth, mutual understanding...
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