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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Human and Plant Biology - Test Biomedical Sciences Research Paper (Research Paper Sample)


Human and Plant Biology - Test


Human and Plant Biology - Test
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Answer 1 PAGEREF _Toc10597187 \h 4Answer 2 PAGEREF _Toc10597188 \h 4Answer 3 PAGEREF _Toc10597189 \h 4Answer 4 PAGEREF _Toc10597190 \h 5Answer 5 PAGEREF _Toc10597191 \h 5Answer 6 PAGEREF _Toc10597192 \h 6Answer 7 PAGEREF _Toc10597193 \h 7Answer 8 PAGEREF _Toc10597194 \h 7Answer 9 PAGEREF _Toc10597195 \h 7Answer 10 PAGEREF _Toc10597196 \h 8Answer 11 PAGEREF _Toc10597197 \h 8Answer 12 PAGEREF _Toc10597198 \h 8Answer 13 PAGEREF _Toc10597199 \h 9Answer 14 PAGEREF _Toc10597200 \h 9Answer 15 PAGEREF _Toc10597201 \h 9Answer 17 PAGEREF _Toc10597202 \h 10Answer 18 PAGEREF _Toc10597203 \h 10Answer 19 PAGEREF _Toc10597204 \h 11Answer 20 PAGEREF _Toc10597205 \h 11Answer 21 PAGEREF _Toc10597206 \h 11Answer 22 PAGEREF _Toc10597207 \h 12Answer 23 PAGEREF _Toc10597208 \h 12Answer 24 PAGEREF _Toc10597209 \h 12Answer 25 PAGEREF _Toc10597210 \h 13
Answer 1
a) He wrote an essay called “On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type” and sent it to Darwin in 1858 for his review – Alfred Russel Wallace
b) He published an essay called “Principles of Population”, which stated that many more organisms are born than can survive – Thomas Robert Malthus
c) He was the naturalist abroad the H.M.S Beagle. On his voyage around the world, he collected many specimens and made many observations that eventually led him to publish his book “On the Origin of Species”, which explained his theory of evolution by natural selection – Charles Darwin
d) He proposed a theory of inheritance by acquired characteristics – Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
e) He wrote the book “Principles of Geology”, which suggested that the earth is constantly changing – Sir Charles Lyell
Answer 2
Without variation, there would be no natural selection. Explain the reasoning behind this statement
Scientists revealed that the natural selection does not need genetic variation for existing; but, if genetic variation does not exist, the natural selection will not have any effect beyond the individual. Selection indicates identifying the best from a pool of different options, based on some advantageous features. In case of genetic drift also, which is demonstrated in contrast to natural selection, is mainly sort of selection, depending upon innate properties of the organism. Natural selection indicates that nature naturally selects the best fit organism, who can adopt over the environmental changes. If there is no variation, the existing population would not survive, as they would not evolve the genes required to survive in changing environment.
Answer 3
a) In a population of snails, only very large and very small individuals get the chance to met
It is a disruptive selection, as in such selection, selection pressure acts against individuals in middle of the trait distribution.
b) In a population of ducks, those laying eggs of intermediate weight leave more offspring
It is a stabilizing selection, as selective pressure selected against the two extremes of a trait.
c) In a population of wild roses, those with yellow flowers get pollinated more by insects than those with dark red flowers
It is a disruptive selection, as the selection pressure is selecting against an extreme trait.
d) Over time, the average height of rain forest trees has become taller
It is a directional selection, as one extreme of trait distribution, i.e. shorter trees experienced selection against it.
e) In a population of fish, the average sized fish are unable to find mates and successfully reproduce
It is a disruptive selection, as the selection pressure selected the populations with extreme traits.
Answer 4
a) It is an example of habitat isolation
b) It is an example of temporal isolation
c) It is an example of behavioral isolation
d) It is an example of zygote mortality, i.e. type of post-zygotic isolation mechanism
e) It is an example of mechanical isolation
Answer 5
In order to identify the actual genotype of the spotted frog, the researchers need to carry out two test crosses, assuming that either the spotted frog is homozygous for the dominant gene (Ff) or heterozygous (Ff). Later, the outcomes can be compared with the actual findings, to ensure its genotype.
Test cross 1: Spotted frog (FF) X Non – spotted frog (ff)




Ff (Spotted)

Ff (Spotted)


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