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Research And Describe Will China Become A Democracy? (Research Paper Sample)


a research on the prospects of china ever becoming a democracy. no need for a bibliography


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China will not become a democracy. In a democratic set up the citizens are the ones in charge of their own affairs. They determine what leaders are in charge and the majority bears all the powers to make such crucial decisions. Democracy has been termed as one of the best modes of leadership on the planet.
Prospects for democracy in china
Democracy is difficult to develop in China the reasons as can be deduced from the articles are myriad. The Party leaders of the communist party are against the development of democracy in China. There has been a concerted effort by President Xing Jinping to bring reforms in the government since he took over. The changes have included the weeding of corruption among the party leaders especially those in the top ranks. This has led to the arrest of leaders and expulsion of some of them from the party ranks. The situation has changed drastically and all the same there has not been much political goodwill. The party ranks have been against liberalization and constitutionalism. Despite the changes argued by Samson Yuen notes in his article, there have not been any changes in terms of implementation of say the constitution of china. The constitution is articulate providing certain rights such as the freedom of speech in article 35, however, this right is not guaranteed. There has been for example a quest for constitutionalism for the last one century but it has all been futile. The reason is that despite calls for constitutional governmental administration, there has been prohibitions on certain arms of the government as Qianfran notes making the constitution a dead document. E.g. the judiciary[Samson Yuen Debating Constitutionalism in China: Dreaming of a liberal turn? china perspectives 2013/14 67-72]
Over the years, China has seen amendments of the constitution has Yuen notes, however, these changes have been nugatory. This is in terms of taking care of fundamental human rights, citizens have largely been ignored. The state has been largely pretentious with provisions for reforms in certain areas such as doing away with certain regulations to prevent abuse of citizenry. However, this has been hogwash since the reforms only come once there is citizen outcry. The outcry in china continues with it being upgraded to online resources such as blogs, political and academic articles by authors such as Yang Xiaoqing. The ruling party has not been lenient though there have been claims of leniency in that defecting members such as Liu Xaobo who advocated for democracy at the dissolution of Soviet rule, was later imprisoned for 11 years. Censoring the publications and indoctrination via pacifying of students is still vile in China.[Ibid, 68]
There were revolutions before the modern day china came into force. These revolutions were to oversee the changes in leadership but they also established autocratic regimes. The changes that are alluded by Lampton as a result of the current revolution towards democracy will not rip any benefits. The reason is that the CPP is largely in control and is adamant for any changes. In addition there are arguments that changes have been taking place quietly as suggested by a Chinese politician. The political structure in china has contrastingly been evolving and self changing over years. The structure has adopted to deal with any upcoming issues and thus the changes may not occur as anticipated.[David M Lampton “How China Is Ruled” Foreign affairs Volume 93 Number 1 (2014) :74-84]
A good demonstration is the issue of rise to leadership positions in china. It is difficult to rise to leadership in china if you do not rise in ranks in the party. This means that the party is still in charge and has not lost any leadership charisma in china despite refutations that it has done so. The allusions that there is less power in the hands of those in charge due to shift in legitimacy in decision making is not true. The Chinese Communist Party decides who is to become the president.
The society to some extent in china has been fractured due to economic changes and improved economic status. The situation as it was in Deng’s rules has now changed and people are more aware of their rights than ever before. Technological changes have also been very important in determining knowledge. However, political expressions in china are still limited and the government has always flexed its political muscle in case it has conflict of interest with the people. The situation in china is not likely to change. The people’s power and influence has been another indicator as stated by some people as a determinant of democracy development. However, people’s power assertion is a mere buncombe. The only influence that the Chinese people have is to cry out to their government in case of extremes in which at times is misinterpreted as power and influence.[Ibid]
As Lampton continues to argue, the changes in the Chinese society have continued to confuse the Chinese leadership. It is unclear as to whether the Chinese are citizens or subjects to the rule. Again, the Chinese leadership has always been reactive and very transformative and therefore the changes that are being perceived due to the liberalization of society in terms of technology and knowledge cannot be indicators of democracy development.[ibid]
As per Yasheng, changes will occur in future. However, to rebut this assumption is the fact that most Chinese are for the status quo. This is despite the calls for political changes which suggests that the changes are largely only ...
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