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Research Proposal
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Sustainability (Research Proposal Sample)


The task was to prepare a research proposal on any topic related to environmental studies. This sample is about ecological and environmental sustainability. The format required was APA and the number of accompanying sources six.


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Research Proposal Topic: Ecological Sustainability
There is continuing debate and controversy over the exact scope, relevance and applicability of the concept of sustainability. The extent to which the principle of sustainability, in relation to the environment and ecology, may be achieved by countries has also been contested by ecologists and economists alike (Dresner, 2012). The purpose of this research proposal is to analyze the concept of sustainability and its relevance in the contemporary world. The research takes the stance or view that the principle of sustainability, though a rather abstract concept, can help safeguard the human environment for future generations. It will be argued in the final research paper therefore, that the principle of sustainability is not only relevant and practical in ecological and environmental fields, but also needs serious consideration and observance.
Literature Review and Conceptual Framework
The groundwork for the current principle of sustainability was laid by 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development (named ‘Brundtland Commission’s Report) published in Our Common Future (Nielson et al., 2010). According to the report, sustainability equates to development and refers to meeting the environmental needs of the current human generation without jeopardizing and frustrating the needs of future generations.
Sustainability is therefore about striking a balance in the use of natural resources between the present generation and generations to come. However, critically, the concept of sustainability is a misnomer with no precise scope as different scholars have interpreted its exact meaning and applicability differently to suit their own needs and interests (Griffiths, 2008). The current literature on the principle of sustainability is therefore inadequate, hence the need to contribute a new insight into this area of research.
Research Questions
In a bid to explore the topic of sustainability in depth, the research seeks to answer the following three main questions:
* What are the continuing relevance, need and importance of the principle of sustainability in ecological and environmental perspectives?
* How does the concept of sustainability contribute to the preservation of natural environmental resources and to economic well-being of human population?
* Whose responsibility is it to ensure compliance with and observation of the principle of sustainability in the business and industrial social environments?
Research Methodology
The main methods that will be used in the intended research will be case studies. The relevance and significance of this methodology for this research is t...
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