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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Literature & Language
Statistics Project
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.8

Factors Affecting Socio-economic Index Statistics Project (Statistics Project Sample)


The task was about coming up with a research question and analyzing data using statistical techniques taught in class.


Factors Affecting Socio-economic Index
University Affiliation
1 Research question
Do household size, income level, and the number of years in school predict the social-economic index?
2 Hypothesis
H0: Household size, income level and level of education do not predict the social-economic index
H1: Household size, income level and level of education predict the social-economic index
3 Research design
The design applied in this research question is an Experimental research design. It is, therefore, relevant to this case as it attempts to establish the relationship between the variables under study. The design further provides a variation in the dependent variable that is impacted by the independent variables (Cash, Stanković, and Štorga, 2018). Additionally, the design also applies control groups that ensure minimal biases in the results (Fox, 2016).
4 Dependent variable
The dependent variable used is the social-economic index.

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