Project of Converting a Warehouse to an Office (Term Paper Sample)
This assignment is worth 40% of the assessment for the module.
Assessment will be according to the marking guide at the end of the
Weighting: 40%
Type: Individual
Length: Report 2500 words + / - 10% excluding appendices
LO: 2, 3, 4, and 5
Due: Week 12 (Friday 5:00 pm).
Page 2 of 9
MS Project Assignment - Convert a warehouse into an office
Convert a warehouse into an office
‘HOT Creative’ is a London based, internationally operating company in the advertising industry.
HOT Creative wants to expand its operations towards the Australasian market and therefore,
decided to set up a subsidiary in Auckland, New Zealand.
HOT Creative appointed Michael Dryden as the General Manager for the New Zealand operation.
Michael wants to set up the office in Auckland’s downtown area but is financially limited and
cannot afford to buy an expensive office building. He, therefore, decided to buy an old warehouse
on Auckland’s Wynyard Wharf.
Wynyard Wharf is located between St Mary’s Bay and the Viaduct Basin, 10 minutes walking
distance from downtown, but real estate prices are much lower than compared to other inner-city
Assume “Best Project Solutions Ltd (BPS)” employs you as a project manager. As BPS has been
assigned by Michael Dryden to run the project, you will be responsible for all aspects of the
conversion of the old warehouse into an office.
Hot creative is an advertising company based in London. It has been yearning to increase its operating capacity base and to operate at a global scale, hence has been opening branches in other countries. One of the outside target market has been Australia and the identified niche was in New Zealand. In setting up an office in Auckland, the manager realised that there is need to set priorities and come up with a plan in order to ensure resources are managed properly, there is easy coordination and no overspending is done in terms of project completion time. Due to the financial limitation, the manager decided to pick an old warehouse instead of purchasing a new one. The warehouse bought was located in a place that would require one to walk for 10 minute to work. The manager decides to employ Best solutions to undertake the development of the project.
The warehouse was built on a 50m by 40m area. The office space should be able to accommodate about 50 employees. Organisation structure of the firm has been following the department method hence working will be organised in sections including marketing, human resource, accounts, designs, media and administrative. It has been assumed that since each working area requires a computer, a cost of up to $400 will be spent on internet connections.
In planning of a project there are a number of activities that are essential to consider including (E, 2007):
* Coming up with a to-do-list
* work plan development indicating the timeframe
* resources allocation to the activities in the milestones
* implementation
* Monitor and evaluation
In the first activity of the project, involving coming up with a plan, the project work plan is developed (Huemann, 2016). The key activities to be in the list includes:
* Getting government construction permit.
* Cost and benefits estimation by developing budgets
* Identification of project implementation methodology
* Definition of organisational and project structure
* Evaluating suppliers to get the best
* procurement of all materials needed for the project including cement, nails, paints, painting brushes, toilet basin, toilet door, tiles for the new toilet and new kitchen construction materials.
* Coming up with employees worksheet to define days and hours worked
* General cleaning around the old facility to remove dirt and create a good work environment
* Evaluation of best electric technician
* Installation of electricity and looking into power connections.
* Organisation and partitioning of the space in to the different departments and designing of where to locate the new kitchen, toilet and boardrooms.
* Checking on previous water connections and making necessary reconnections
* Start reconstruction activities:
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