Creating America History Term Paper Research Paper (Term Paper Sample)
The task was to write about US history with the following points in mind:
1. Perspectives of the social order from members of the Native American groups- 1 page
2. Experiences of the Africans arriving in America via slave ships – 1 page
3. Descriptions of daily life and visions of at least one of the early European groups described in the readings – 1 page
Creating America
Student’s Name
Perspectives of the Social Order From Members of the Native American Groups
There’s scanty written information on the perspectives of Native American groups who lived in the years prior to European colonization up to the eve of the American Revolution. Since these documents are hard to find, those interested in the past of these indigenous individuals have had to find information from archaeology, traditional art, folklore, folk literature, and other sources (Ricci & Gottfried, 2000) . Furthermore, the diverse cultural and geographic backgrounds of the people groups involved also make Native American history more complex. As such, one would find that indigenous American hunters and gatherers like the Apache engaged Europeans differently than farmers who lived in stratified societies like the Natchez. Overall, it is evident that different indigenous groups had varying perspectives on social order.
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