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Describe Women Discrimination and Gender Biasness (Term Paper Sample)


the task was to write an term about Women Discrimination and Gender Bias. THe task also entailed an evaluation of women representation in the media. the sample thus discusses women discrimination and representation in the media using kenya as a case study.


Women Discrimination and Gender Biasness
Name of the student
Author Note
This paper was prepared for Psychology
Name of professor
Submitted on 26/9/2016 Introduction
In human social affairs, the oxford dictionary (2004) defines discrimination as the treatment of making a distinction in favor of or against a person based on the group, class or category to which that person belongs, rather than on individual merit. Gender bias is defined as unequal treatment in opportunities such as employment, promotion, pay, benefits and privileges due to attitudes based on that sex (McCullough, 2013).
Gender Bias in Kenya
Historically, women have been discriminated in all spheres of life. This has been more in the employment sectors and leaderships (Heilman, 2012). Gender bias and discrimination is still rampant in Kenya despite the numerous campaigns on gender equality and human rights. This is a shaming even after promulgation of a new constitution. A recent case of ill and shameful treatment was reported in Embakasi; where a woman was undressed for indecent dressing. This marks the conduct of some men as low. This incidence contradicted the earlier tradition where such an incident only attracted voyeuristic curiosity among men...
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