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Performing Arts Assignment: Lee Brice Concert Review (Term Paper Sample)



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Lee Brice Concert Review
Friday 15th of April 2016 presented an awesome opportunity as I had the pleasure of attending Lee Brice and Tyler Farr concert at the BB&T Arena in Northern Kentucky University Highland Heights, Kentucky. I had been looking forward to the event and the day started out as perfect as possible. The concert dubbed Life off my Years Tour saw the inclusion of the guitar girls Maddie and Tae, Jerrod, Dylan Scott, and Clare Dunn. Highland Heights was not the last stop on their tour, but that seemed the case to me. The concert presented part of the Life off my Years concert by Lee Brice and Tyler Farr.
Upon arrival on campus, Lee drove around having fun talking to the students and even spared time for a little chat. The concert schedule, however, conflicted but the moment Lee Brice and his group got on stage everything wrong seemed to be right. The delay concern was not accurately conveyed, but it was okay to wait. The mood set by the campus students seemed momentous with the majority of the girls in dresses, cowboy boots and the young men valued their jeans and cowboy hats with a taste of pop.
The group began the concert with cool guitar sessions by the guitar girls who were incredibly impressive. They were full of energy and displayed their skills that sent the crowd in a unique array. The melody and the vigor accompanied by the rhythm created by the guitar session seemed to spike the entire mood for Brice action I was waiting anxiously. When Dylan Scott joined the settings with his hard rock and roll on the guitar, the crowd was in awe at the performance. The highly syncopated melody and the rhythmic swing highlighted one of the best moments during the concert. The crowd was pumped up and excited from the ravenous start of the show. Lee Brice joined in the Scott moment and took the show to another level by his hit song ‘That Don't Sound like You' and the crowd got electric (AceShowbiz, 1). I felt a moment of ecstasy watching and moving to the rhythm. It presented an opportunity I had never before experienced. Maddie and Tae were perfect on the guitar maintaining the pace alongside Dylan Scott and Jerod.
The complete change of session and rhythm informed the musical skills of this team and the crowd acknowledged it fully. The slow fall back to ‘Love like Crazy’ seemed like a haven and the mood it stirred noted the value of the words. This song, written by Tim James and Dough Johnson, talks about the change that we can bring to the world by loving unconditionally. The third track, 'She Ain't' right elevated the momentum of the crowd and increased the depth of the rhythm of the guitar. The passion that accompanied the performance of this track presented an extremely momentous situation. The rhythmic style fused both soft, hard rock and the soft guitar touch by Maddie, and Tae presented just the perfect beat like the original track. They blended smoothly with the system, and every stroke seemed right. In between the tracks, Lee Brice mentioned and highlighted about the relationship and general life stories. He presented one personal story and even said that he never liked some of the actions he had undertaken.
The perfect glance and stance for the night had already been established, and when the track changed to ‘Drinking Class’, one of the favorite songs, the crowd roared in enthusiasm got singing and dancing with vigor. The sense of the concert perfected with the speech he made regarding the men and women who protect our country and its inhabitants. It was an honor noticing how the powerful statement affected the crowd. Everyone embraced the emotional situation and appreciated the men and women in uniform. He immediately followed the speech with the track; I Drive Your Truck’ the crowd welcomed the mood in unison, and the flashlights within the arena made the moment unbelievable. The somber aroused involved the crowd in worthwhile recognition of the sacrifice by our forces, and I felt proud of the courage and gallant service they render for our peace. The pace after the honor picked up and the crowd co...
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