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Do you have free will to choose what you do? Psychology Term Paper (Term Paper Sample)


QUESTION: Do you have free will to choose what you do?
Apparently, we can freely make decisions about our own actions. How can this be reconciled with a deterministic universe? Do we really have free will or is it just an illusion? Whatever position you take, be sure to explain and support it.


Free Will
The concept of a will is one that has been debated by philosophers for many years. In particular, there is an argument as to whether humans have free will or are just go through an already predetermined life. The question that we should ask in the first place is what is a free will? By definition, free will refers to the freedom to make choices. Moreover, it refers to the absence of deterministic forces that control our lives. Although there is no consensus as to whether there is a free will or not, a critical review of human action just shows that we are far from controlling our destiny. Pretty much of the life events that happens in our lives are largely determined, and devoid of our conscious control.
Most people think that they have a free will because they believe that they can make their own decisions. For instance, I can decide to listen to hip hop music, embrace some hip hop fashion sense and attend certain events. While it is true that we make certain decisions to do with our lives, the degree of choice is not as much as we tend to think. The reality of the matter is that our lives, our language and even our behavior are largely affected by several factors do not necessarily register in our conscience. In his article on free will, Schwartz contests the idea of existing free will on the basis of scientific evidence. 

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