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The Frontier in American History Essay Sample (Term Paper Sample)


I was required to research and write about the American frontier - its significance in the history of America, and how it is different from the European frontier.
This sample shows my research and writing skills in history papers.


The Frontier in American History
The latest Superintendent bulletin of the 1890 Census showed that, up to 1880, America had a settlement frontier, but nowadays the unsettled region has been intruded by isolated masses of settlement to an extent that no one can tell there was a frontier before. In the debate about its extent, for instance, the westward movement, it can no longer be considered in future census report bulletins. This concise official statement symbolizes the end of a pronounced historic movement. Up-to-date, the American history covers the narration of Great West colonization in a substantial degree. The availability of free-land area, its unending recession, as well as the westward encroachment of American settlement explain the American development CITATION Fre93 \l 1033 (Turner 1893). Thus development in America has showed not merely momentum along a definite line, but a revisit to primitive situations on a persistently enhancing frontier line, as well as a new improvement for that region. This perennial renaissance, this American life fluidity, this westward expansion with its fresh opportunities, and its repetitive touch with primitive society’s simplicity, furnish the powers dominating American personality. The true viewpoint in this nation’s history is not just the Atlantic coastline, but also the whole Great West. The struggle for slavery, which has become an attention object by renowned writers like Professor Von Holst, also has its important position in the history of America due to its connection with the westward expansion.[. Turner, Character and Influence of the Indian Trade in Wisconsin (Johns Hopkins University Studies, Series IX), pp. 61 ff.]
Behind institutions and constitutional customs and modifications, dwell the vital dynamisms that bring these structures into existence and sculpt them to endure changing circumstances. The idiosyncrasy of the American institutions lies in the reality that, they are bound to adjust themselves as per the fluctuations of an intensifying population: the transformations involved in traversing a continent, winning wilds and the progress at each stage of this evolution out of our primitive political and economic frontier conditions into the intricacy of the city life. In 1817, Calhoun said; “we are great, and rapidly, I was about to say fearfully, growing!” In this brief statement, he touched on the distinctive life of the Americans. All people exhibit development and the politics’ germ theory has been adequately emphasized. In most countries, the development happens in a narrow area; and the expanded countries have met other intensifying populations that it has subjugated. However, in the America’s case, we have an atypical phenomenon. Focusing mainly on the Atlantic coastline, there is a familiar phenomenon where by, institutions have evolved in a very limited area, for example, the upturn of the representative government - the distinction of simple colonialist government into multifaceted organs – the segregation from the primitive industrial culture, without labor division, up to production civilization. Nevertheless, we have to add to this, the repetition of the evolution process in every western region that has been reached during the expansion process.[Adams Memoirs, IX, pp. 247, 248.]
In this progress, the frontier has become the wave’s outer edge – the civilization and savagery meeting point. A lot has been said and written concerning the frontier from a chase and border warfare viewpoint, but nothing much has been written about it being a rich study field for historians and economists. American frontier sharply distinguishes itself from European frontier – as a reinforced boundary line cutting across dense populations. One of the most significant things about American frontier ought to be the location at free land’s hither edge. The census reports portray it as a margin of a settlement with a more than two square mile density. The idiom is a flexible one, and it does not require sharp definition. It is good to consider the entire frontier belt, plus the Indian nation and the settled region’s outer margin. It is not okay to handle the subject comprehensively; we should simply aim at drawing attention towards the frontier being a bountiful investigation field, and suggesting certain issues that arise in association with it.[Compare Thorpe, in Annals American Academy of Political and Social Science, September, 1891; Bryce, American Commonwealth (1888), II, p. 689.]
In the American settlement, there is need to put more emphasis on how the European life made its way into the continent, how America developed and modified that life, and how it traced Europe. In our initial history, we study how European seeds developed in the American environment. The institutional students have paid an absolute attention to the origins of Germanics, and too little attention to the dynamics of America. The frontier symbolizes a line for most effective and rapid Americanization. The wilds rule the colonists/invaders CITATION Ray01 \l 1033 (Ray Allen Billington 2001). It gets them a well-dressed European, that is, a European with tools, industries, clothing, thoughts and means of travel. It takes them from the moccasin and the railroad vehicle, and puts them in the record of the Iroquois and Cherokee cabin and dashes an Indian stake around them. Immediately, they start planting the Indian maize, and using sharp sticks to plow; they shout the cry of war and inherits the Indian fashion. Indeed, the environment at the frontier is too strong for these men at first. Nevertheless, they must embrace the circumstances that it furnishes or else they will perish - that is the only way they will fit themselves into the clearings of India and follow the trails of India. Slowly, they transform the wilds; but the result differs from the ancient Europe, not just the Germanic germ development, anything above the initial phenomenon was a point of reversion to the mark of Germanic. The truth is that, this formed a new American product. In the beginning, the frontier denoted the Atlantic coastline. It was the European frontier in the real sense. The frontier turned more American as it moved westward. As consecutive terminal moraines develops form consecutive g

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