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Literature & Language
Thesis Proposal
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Impact of Mandatory Military Service on Qatari High School Graduates (Thesis Proposal Sample)


Impact of Mandatory Military Service on Qatari High School Graduates


Impact of Mandatory Military Service on Qatari High School Graduates
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Impact of Mandatory Military Service on Qatari High School Graduates
Literature Review
In the Gulf monarchies, compulsory military service was never a major problem since states were able to draw volunteers from different tribes. Furthermore, since most Gulf countries had higher economic power, mandatory military service was inconsequential since states could hire military personnel from other countries, including the United States. In 2013, nonetheless, the Qatar government approved a law requiring males to serve the military immediately after graduation from high school before joining higher institutions of learning (Bazari, 2017). Eventually, the law was enacted in 2014, although it was not mandatory for women unless they volunteer.
The conscription law No. 5 that mandates all high school graduates and especially men have an immense influence on students' mental health, relationship with family members, and their higher education opportunities. The mandatory national service for males aged between 18-35 years who have graduated from high school was met with a lot of positive expectations among citizens although, critics argued that it had some negative impacts (Bazari, 2017). However, the reality is that integrating civilians in an essential institution of the state, the military, for a short time, is the most effective method of creating a society with civilized people. This is because all men have to remain part of military reserve regardless of their profession, which means that they will remain loyal to their state. In this literature review, a significant focus will be the impact of mandatory military service for Qatar's high school graduates on their mental health, family relations, and higher education opportunities.

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