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The Impacts of Technology Since 19th Century Up to Date (Thesis Sample)


the paper is talking about the impacts of technology since 19th century up to date. Technology democratization is how technology becomes more accessible to many people. It means that people have access to new technologies and improved experiences, thus empowering those inside and outside the technology industry to use and access the products and services of technology. By the 19th century, technology a not been much democratized in the mid-19th century. Only electricity and motive powers were primarily used in transportation. There were electricity and steam engines for the many tasks that significantly replaced human and animal power.


United States History
United States History
Question 1
Technology democratization is how technology becomes more accessible to many people. It means that people have access to new technologies and improved experiences, thus empowering those inside and outside the technology industry to use and access the products and services of technology. By the 19th century, technology a not been much democratized in the mid-19th century. Only electricity and motive powers were primarily used in transportation. There were electricity and steam engines for the many tasks that significantly replaced human and animal power.

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