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Nationwide maintenance and enforcement of current laws against the use Marijuana (Thesis Sample)

the task was to develop a thesis in support of Nationwide maintenance and enforcement of current laws against the use Marijuana the sample provides evidence that the task completed by me source..
Nationwide maintenance and enforcement of current laws against the use Marijuana Name Institution TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract 3Introduction 4Methodology 4Dangers and Consequences the Use of Marijuana 5Research Findings 7Conclusion 8References 9 Abstract This study is set out to support the federal enforcement and maintenance of current laws against the use Marijuana, since the 20th century, the use of marijuana has been subjected to legal restrictions, its possession, uses and sales have been declared illegal by most countries of the world. Some countries currently recommend the medical use of marijuana such countries includes Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, and 23 states in the U.S.A. The study adopted the use of secondary data in its research methodology; the study’s findings showed that use of marijuana has adverse health and social effect. Which includes brain damage, depression, feeling of anxiety, loss of intelligence, cognitive function, gang related, violence, antisocial, stealing lying, financial difficulties, and unemployment. The study concluded that the current federal ban prohibiting the use of marijuana be upheld and maintained in the United States. INTRODUCTION Marijuana over the years remains the most used drug in the world, its use and abuse spread across the length and breadth of every country. Cannabis or marijuana has been in existence dating back to the 3rd millennium, Martin Booth (2003). Starting from the beginning of the 20th century, the use of marijuana has been subjected to legal restriction, its possession, use, and sales have been declared illegal by most countries of the world. Some countries currently recommend the medical use of marijuana such countries includes Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, and 23 states in the U.S.A. The United States has experience increase in demand and use of marijuana beginning in the 1970s (Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC Laws, Fees, and Possession Limits 2003). The support for the use and legalization of the drug in the United States has since then been on the increase (Linshi, Jack 2014). During the 2014 election in the United States, many cities and state voter were asked to decide in support for other uses of marijuana, some voters across the board voted in support of legalization of the use of marijuana. Despite the clamor by voters, the federal law against its legalization was not removed. This essay is written in support of current law prohibiting the use of marijuana for recreational, medical and spiritual purposes. The submission of the essay shall be based on its side effects which include mental and physical effects leading to change in perception, high and stoned feeling, lightened moods and decreased in short term memories (Crippa et, al 2009). METHODOLOGY The research methodology adopted for the purpose of this study shall be based on reporting and analysis of secondary data. The reason behind the adoption and utilization of secondary data is due to its ready availability, credibility, and support for the time constraint of the research. The study is divided into introduction, methodology, dangers and consequences the use of marijuana, research finding, and conclusion. In 2009 reports showed that an estimated 23.9 million Americans of the age of 12 and above are currently using hard drugs, meaning that the use of illegal drugs such as marijuana has increased previously from 9.2% of the U.S population to about 12%. Reports in 2012 show that an estimated 2.9 million persons within the ages of 12 and have used marijuana for the first time in less than 12 months. These findings translate to about 7900 marijuana intake on a daily basis. In 2011 partnership attitudes tracking study pointed out in their research that 9% of teens are heavy users of marijuana translating to nearly 1.5 million in number, and ever since, that number have been on the increase, close to half of the population of teens in the country have ever used marijuana. Two out of every teenager have either tried or is currently addicted to heavy usage of marijuana. Report submitted by monitoring the future survey (2013) shows heavy usage of marijuana among senior high school students pointing out that 1 in every 15 high school student is a frequent user of marijuana. Concluding that the effects of such was high school violence and lack of concentration to studies, (American teens are more cautious about synthetic drugs 2013) DANGERS AND CONSEQUENCES THE USE OF MARIJUANA Research reports show that in 2003 the number of users of marijuana ranged from 128 million to 232 million while their ages range from 15 to 65 (World Drug Report 2003). Marijuana has over the years acquired and maintains the status of the most widely used illegal substance (Jonathan et al. 2015). Reports have shown that since 2006 about 30,000 people have been killed by drug wars in México, the spillover effects was illegal immigration into the United States (IBTIMES 2016). Stressing the mental and physical effects of marijuana on the Americans will enable us to fully comprehend its ramification on the life of the younger generation, its impact on society and it impact on the future of our youths. Legalization of the use of marijuana, irrespective of why it's being proposed, will be achieved to the detriments of public safety and the safety of the society. The uses of marijuana not only create addiction, dependency, and treatment-related issues, but it will also create an avenue for the use of other drugs, ill health, substance abusing drivers and behavioral unpredictability. According to Mahmoud ElSohly (2014), there has been an upgrade in today's marijuana when compared to the ones available in the 1970s; Mahmoud made it clear that today's marijuana is more potent. Reports by NIDA founded projected carried out in 2009 by the University of Mississippi revealed that the potency of marijuana in the United States is the highest ever reported by scientists. The effects of such high usage of marijuana are robbing young minds of their ability to achieve excellence in school curricular activities. Tetra-hydro-cannabinol (THC) is a primary ingredient in marijuana; it obstructs and changes the capacity of the hippocampus activity of the brain, therefore, impeding activities such as learning and memory, preventing the brain from communicating effectively with its other component. Recent research carried out by National Institute of Drug Abuse (2012) revealed that most frequent use of marijuana begins at the adolescences stage which can lead to lower IQ and grossly affect the function of the brain at the adult stage. It is also important to point out that using marijuana at an adolescence stage can lead to addiction. It also indicated that the risk of addiction to the permanent use of marijuana ranged for 1 to 11 users or 1 in 6 users, this applies in particular for those who start usage in their early teenage years, and even higher and accurate among daily smokers (Volkow 2006) Regular usage of marijuana is associated with higher likelihood of anxiety and depression, use of marijuana has also been linked to increased psychoses in forms such as schizophrenia usually common among people with preexisting suitable genetics conditions. The relationship between the effects of usage of cannabis by young people and their mental health is multidimensional; studies have proven that the long term effects of usage of marijuana can range from depression to physical violence. Keeping marijuana illegal will amount to a drastic reduction the dangers associated with the use of the drug, cases of mental health issues and violence will be reduced. RESEARCH FINDINGS This research has looked at the consequences, effects and aftermath of usage of marijuana, at this point is important to state clearly the finding of the research Health related issues The ...
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