Construction Handbook Technology Thesis Writing Essay (Thesis Sample)
Construction handbook
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There are several injuries which occur at construction sites and this puts the life of the workers at risk. Research has shown that these injuries are as a result of human error or at times they come from fatalities from the equipment’s used in construction. The overall impact is that the productivity of the construction project goes down. Majorly, this handbook aims to incorporate a revised constructability and buildability model into the new existing method, in order to minimize the risks and attain maximum profit in the construction field. Several activities are involved with Buildability and constructability. Some of these include project planning, execution of the plans, management and completion of work. There are procedures followed when carrying out these building projects. Due to the ever-improving technological advancements, new methods of carrying out construction works are being improved. The information in this transcript, therefore, seeks to address the concepts and principles of constructability, and the roles played by cost managers and professionalism in construction to achieve constructability performance.
The first phase of the handbook reviews the existing principles of buildability and constructability, by looking at the various existing concepts by the BPRC. A matrix model is then developed which focuses on improving seven major areas within the construction field. These areas primarily include effective communication, integration, design expertise, proper listening and comprehension, innovation, risk management, as well as reviews and recommendations. Effective implementation of these proposed strategies is essential towards ensuring that competitive advantage is created within the construction industry through a generation of handbook manual that offers efficient guild lines for managers at the Building Performance Research Centre (BPRC).
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc38010405 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc38010406 \h 5Aims PAGEREF _Toc38010407 \h 5Objectives PAGEREF _Toc38010408 \h 5Buildability and Constructability PAGEREF _Toc38010409 \h 6Definition of constructability PAGEREF _Toc38010410 \h 6Origins and Overview PAGEREF _Toc38010411 \h 6Tenets of constructability PAGEREF _Toc38010412 \h 7Constructability and Social/Environmental Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc38010413 \h 7Benefits of Constructability Beyond Cost Savings PAGEREF _Toc38010414 \h 7Integrating constructability in practice PAGEREF _Toc38010415 \h 7Definition of Buildability PAGEREF _Toc38010416 \h 8Overview and origins PAGEREF _Toc38010417 \h 8Historical background of buildability and constructability PAGEREF _Toc38010418 \h 9Goals PAGEREF _Toc38010419 \h 11Current BPRC buildability and constructability principles PAGEREF _Toc38010420 \h 11Variations in CII and CIRIA concepts PAGEREF _Toc38010421 \h 12Evolution of concepts and the need for change PAGEREF _Toc38010422 \h 13Significance of the concepts to the influence of cost and change PAGEREF _Toc38010423 \h 13Principles of constructability applied to the different life cycle stages of a building project PAGEREF _Toc38010424 \h 14Concept planning phase PAGEREF _Toc38010425 \h 14Design and procurement phases PAGEREF _Toc38010426 \h 15Field operations PAGEREF _Toc38010427 \h 15Role of project and cost managers in the buildability and constructability of a building PAGEREF _Toc38010428 \h 16Proposed principles towards buildability and constructability PAGEREF _Toc38010429 \h 17Effective communication PAGEREF _Toc38010430 \h 20Summary PAGEREF _Toc38010431 \h 20Integration PAGEREF _Toc38010432 \h 22Summary PAGEREF _Toc38010433 \h 23Design expertise PAGEREF _Toc38010434 \h 24Summary PAGEREF _Toc38010435 \h 24Proper listening and comprehension PAGEREF _Toc38010436 \h 26Summary PAGEREF _Toc38010437 \h 26Innovation PAGEREF _Toc38010438 \h 28Summary PAGEREF _Toc38010439 \h 28Risk management PAGEREF _Toc38010440 \h 30Summary PAGEREF _Toc38010441 \h 30Reviews and recommendations PAGEREF _Toc38010442 \h 32Summary PAGEREF _Toc38010443 \h 33Policies for implementing building and constructability plans PAGEREF _Toc38010444 \h 33Integration of proposed buildability and constructability principles PAGEREF _Toc38010445 \h 34Project Team Roles and Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc38010446 \h 34Conclusion and recommendations PAGEREF _Toc38010447 \h 35Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc38010448 \h 36References PAGEREF _Toc38010449 \h 38
Over the past times, HSL consultants have adopted the use of building and constructability concepts in the implementation of most of its projects. However, there have been technological advancements over time, and this calls for a need to review the concepts. With regards, it is the intention of the board of directors to review the existing concepts to enable the company to fit within the competitive edge.
* To explore the buildability and constructability concepts to the BPRC members and provide them with an opportunity to incorporate the techniques into their roles.
* To implement the principles of buildability and constructability onto the various stages of construction, among the various construction projects
* To design a buildability and constructability handbook which strategically offers efficiency in all the construction stages.
* To review the existing buildability and constructability concepts and improve on the areas where necessary.
* To incorporate efficiency during the implementation of the projects by integrating modern principles as well as techniques
The primary objective of this handbook would thus be to enhance the efficiency as well as the management principles across the projects so as not only to maximize the output but as well as incorporate efficiency. To achieve the objective, the board will;
* Critically review the existing buildability and constructability concepts to ensure that the success of projects in relation to the management strategies is enhanced at the BPRC
* Create a competitive advantage within the construction industry through a generation of handbook manual that offers efficientguild lines for managers at the BPRC
* Enhance the efficiency of the BPRC projects through minimization of the time schedules, procurementsprocess as well as the project life cycle stages.
* To educate the BPRC memberscontinually on the significance of effective communication within the construction phases, projects and plans.
Buildability and Constructability
Definition of constructability
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