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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Life Sciences
Admission Essay
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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ANIMAL EXTINCTION. Life Sciences Admission Services - Admission Essay (Admission Essay Sample)


the task in this sample was to select a species that has gone extinct in the past two centuries and provide answers to several given questions concerning the specific species. Some of the questions that were answered in the sample include
a. What species did you research and why?
b. Where was this species originally located and what sort of habitat did it occupy?
c. What categories of extinction vulnerabilities listed in Chapter 5 (attached) affected this species? List as many as apply.
d. What other biological or ecological traits may have contributed to its extinction?
e. Did it have one dominant feature that was predictive of extinction, or a combination of such features?
f. Does this species have a living relative? If so, is its living relative endangered or threatened with extinction? What traits do the living species share with the extinct species that makes it vulnerable?
the sample describes the species that I selected which was the passenger pigeon. It answers the above questions using the passenger pigeon as the extinct species. The scientific name and the origin of the passenger pigeon are described in detail in this sample. The sample used three credible sources and some sources given in the initial instructions which were mainly websites.


Animal Extinction
Institutional Affiliation:
Animal Extinction
a. What species did you research and why?
I selected the passenger pigeon for research. This species is also known as the wild pigeon or Ectopistes migratorius (Hedrick, 2018). The common name of the passenger pigeon was derived from the term “passager” which is French word that means "passing by." The species name was given due to the birds migratory habits. The scientific name of the species also describes the migratory characteristics of the species.
b. Where was this species originally located and what sort of habitat did it occupy?
The extinct species of the passenger pigeon was originally rampant in the east of the North American Rocky Mountains. It was also found across the great plains of the Atlantic coast and the south of Canada as well as northern Mississippi in the US (Hedrick, 2018). Its major habitat was the eastern deciduous forests. The wild pigeon habitat was mostly the mixed hardwood forests as the species relied on the forests for the nesting sites during spring. During the winter period, the wild pigeon depended on the hardwood forest to get food and roosting. The diet of the wild pigeon included chestnuts, acorns, berries and beechnuts as well as seeds from the forest.
c. What categories of extinction vulnerabilities listed in Chapter 5 (attached) affected this species? List as many as apply.
The passenger pigeon was exposed to several extinction vulnerabilities which include:

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