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Fashion School Personal Statement (Admission Essay Sample)

This task required me to craft a comprehensive personal statement comprising about 1000 words for the client's fashion school admission application. In this statement, i vividly express my unwavering passion for fashion, narrate significant experiences that have shaped my journey, and elucidate why they are are the ideal candidate for this program. source..
Fashion Personal Statement I've always been fascinated by how different colors and pieces of clothing can completely change one's mood or express emotions. I used to enjoy experimenting with different styles to create my own unique look as a kid, but it wasn't until I started studying Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies that I realized I had a real passion for working with different textures and materials to create new designs, and I considered making a career out of it. I recently went to the New Designers Exhibition to learn more about the possibilities of a practical fashion design course, and I was excited to learn about initiatives that allow students to launch their careers during a Fashion Week; I hope to take advantage of these opportunities in the future. Studying fashion and design skills in practice, followed by experience working for established companies, would provide me with the necessary tools to launch my own fashion design business in the future. My name is [xxxxx]. I am 24 years old, make a good appearance, gets along exceedingly well with people and currently, I'm a studio manager at ABODI Fashion. I was immediately convinced, when I read about your Fashion and Design school program, that starting a course with your esteemed institution is the chance of a lifetime to fulfill my objective of developing myself as a prospective leader in different levels within the fashion industry structures. I am a keen observer of trends and how they are interpreted in various countries. Bold neon colors like amber and tangerine dominated the 2019 spring catwalk shows, and I loved the contrasts presented at the Gucci and Prada shows, which used bright colors in contrasting styles and fabrics to create explosive looks. I believe that clothing and accessories can turn a person into a walking work of art and that catwalk shows and models are becoming more abstract and artistic to reflect high fashion's boldness. It's incredible to think that the little black dress first appeared in 1926! Diane von Furstenburg's jersey wrap dress was part of her modern glamour invention, and it's yet another powerful example of fashion defining the world for so many people. I recently investigated the similarities and differences between Parisian and British Vogue: the quirkiness of designers like Burberry and Vivienne Westwood contrasts with the understated elegance of Lanvin and Chanel, but both represent ideals of beauty and glamour. During my research, I've also noticed that there is a scarcity of attractive yet supportive footwear. I want to try to design a line of footwear that provides similar support to a running shoe but in a more fashionable and wearable design; this would be a project I could pursue with the skills I've gained from my course and a great outlet for my ideas. Working backstage on several school productions honed my artistic abilities by assisting with costumes, set, and hair and make-up. Dramatic and bold theatrical make-up and hair appeal to my love of fashion and art. I'd like to gain more experience working in a theatre's costume department. I also believe that working closely with both the backstage crew and the performers has made me a more effective team player; a successful project completed as part of a team always feels more rewarding than one completed on your own. I also learned the value of dedication and pushing myself to succeed; I also enjoy sewing in my spare time and have read a variety of fashion and textiles books on topics ranging from fashion drawing to sewing techniques. Work experience at the Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency last year was an excellent way for m...
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