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The effects of transformational leadership on employee performance (Annotated Bibliography Sample)
the task was about creating an annotated bibliography on the effects of transformational leadership on employee performance. Transformational leadership is among the major leadership styles used in the modern business environment. The task required me to identify the existing articles by different authors about transformational leadership and create an annotated bibliography about how this leadership style affects the performance of employees. source..
The effects of transformational leadership on employee performance
The effects of transformational leadership on employee performance
Leadership is critical to the firm's success in the competitive marketplace. Leadership entails the ability of an individual to influence and guide the organizational members to attain the desired goals. Proper leadership develops and implements appropriate strategies to drive the organization toward success. A leader needs to have appropriate leadership skills to succeed in the workplace. The leadership style also affects the ability and performance of the leaders in a firm. The leadership style involves the technique adopted by the leader to influence the subordinates' behaviors and guide the firm toward success. A leader must adopt the most relevant and helpful leadership style that suits the organizational goals. In this paper, I will assess how transformational leadership affects employee performance.
Rafia, R., & Achmad Sudiro, S. (2020). The effect of transformational leadership on
Employee performance mediated by job satisfaction and employee
Engagement. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 21(5), 119-
According to the article, transformational leadership entails a leadership type that can integrate creative insight, intuition, energy, and sensitivity of the subordinates, get many desires and goals for the firm, and have a considerable impact on employees. Transformational leaders nurture the personal development of the subordinates and inspire and stimulate them to make their best efforts to attain the firm's goals. Transformational leadership is a change-oriented approach that facilitates developing and implementing a proper vision through influence, motivation, and intellectual stimulation. By adopting a transformational style of leadership, the leader has a considerable impact on subordinates' performance. It allows the leaders to focus on meeting the needs of the employees, which improves their job satisfaction. Improved job satisfaction has a proportional influence on increasing the productivity of the employees in the firm.
Shang, J. (2023). Transformational Leadership Influences Employee Performance: A
Review and Directions for Future Research. Highlights in Business, Economics
And Management, 10, 291-312.
The article assesses how employee performance is influenced by transformational leadership. According to the article, leadership style involves unique behaviors and habits based on in-depth analysis, effective summary, and research of the extended experience and practice. Transformational leadership is among the leadership styles most leaders use in the modern business environment. Leaders utilizing this leadership approach have a strong sense of the conceptual system and intrinsic value, and they pursue their followers' higher-level needs, such as honor and responsibility, by increasing their knowledge of the benefit of their activities to the firm's success. As a result, it allows the employees to work harder to attain the firm's interests and generally attain performance beyond expectations. The leaders have the ability to demonstrate effort and offer constructive feedback to their subordinates, which provides opportunities for employee growth and improvement.
Khan, H., Rehmat, M., Butt, T. H., Farooqi, S., & Asim, J. (2020). Impact of
Transformational leadership on work performance, burnout and social loafing:
A mediation model. Future Business Journal, 6(1), 40.
According to the article, transformational leadership is considerably associated with the performance and behaviors of the employees. Transformational leadership involves a technique whereby the leader transforms the firm and influences the subordinates' behaviors. The leader also works hard to build trust, inspire, enhance creativity, encourage, and develop the subordinates. The main components of transformational leadership include idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation to promote confidence, and individualized confidence. Leaders who adopt transformational leadership have a shared vision of targeted standards and performance goals and provide strategies for attaining them. It decreases employee burnout since the satisfactional levels are high, which makes the employees feel comfortable when working in the organization. The leaders support the employees, which increases their ability to deal with the different circumstances they face in the workplace.
Udin, U. (2021). Transformational leadership and employee performance: inside the
Black box. International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science
Research, 3(6), 82-87.
The article clarifies that transformational leadership is a considerable approach that affects employee performance. It is among the most widely accepted leadership techniques used by most people in leadership positions in the business environment. Transformational leaders have individualized consideration, which shows an understanding of the needs, ambitions, desires, and aspirations of the employees. The leadership style ensures that the employees engage appropriately in the firm through intellectual stimulation. The subordinates are easily involved in attaining the firm's results. The leaders who use this approach aim to develop, share, and embrace a vision that encourages the workers to attain corporate goals. Due to the ability to formulate a proper vision to inspire the workers to pursue the firm's goals, the leaders care about and facilitate the well-being of the subordinates in the work environment to improve their performance and produce positive organizational results.
Arman, R., Wardi, Y., & Evanita, S. (2019, April). The effect of transformational
Leadership and motivation on employee performance. In 2nd Padang
International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting
(PICEEBA-2 2018) (pp. 759-767). Atlantis Press.
The article evaluates transformational leadership and motivation effects on the perfroamance of the employees. According to this article, leaders who adopt transformational leadership make their subordinates perform more than expected, believing that leaders will not take advantage of them. It improves the trust between the employees and the leaders to facilitate the attainment of the expected work standards. Transformational leadership allows the leaders to have a great impact on the success of the firm in attaining its objectives. A firm needs a reformist leader to transform and act as a motor for corporate change to attain more positive change, including promoting employee discipline. The leadership style creates a conducive work environment that encourages subordinates to perform well and attain their desired goals.
Wiandhani, N., Jimad, H., & Erlina, R. (2022). The Effect of Transformational
Leadership on Employee Performance Mediated by Work Motivation in Car
Rental Services Companies in Lampung Province. SSRG International Journal of
Economics and Management Studies (SSRG-IJEMS), 9(3), 53-59.
The article suggests that transformational leadership is a crucial determiner of employee performance in the organization. By using a transformational leadership approach, the leader creates a conducive environment that makes the employee feel encouraged. As a result, it leads to sustainable performance of the employees. It also facilitates the acquisition of high-level firm financial performance and supports the development of new products by encouraging employee creativity. Transformational leadership also impacts the motivation levels of subordinates in the workplace. Leaders who adopt a transformational leadership approach set a good example for their followers and communicate well with their employees. The leaders encourage the employees to participate in giving advice, duties, challenges, and opportunities to support and develop work motivation in the workplace.
Jaya, D., Fakhri, M., Madiawati, P. N., Nurnida, I., & Luturlean, B. S. (2021). The
Effect of transformational leadership style on employee performance with job
Stress as an intervening variables in PT. Pos Indonesia. In Proceedings of the
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations
Management (pp. 5692-5700).
The authors state that transformational leadership is determined by the ability of the leader to change the workplace, work motivation, work patterns, and values perceived by the employees so that they can maximize their performance to attain the desired goals. The leadership mainly focuses on bringing an organizational change that will have a positive impact on performance. It includes developing and maintaining close relationships between the leader and the subordinates, not just an agreement, but more based on commitment and trust. Through this leadership style, the leader tries to create employee awareness to emphasize the benefits of work, self-value, and a better transformation, especially in attaining corporate goals. The leadership style reduces job stress and motivates the subordinates to make a positive contribution toward the firm's success and effectiveness.
Qalati, S. A., Zafar, Z., Fan, M., Limón, M. L. S., & Khaskheli, M. B. (2022). Employee
Performance under transformational leadership and organizational citizenship
Behavior: A mediated model. Heliyon, 8(11).
The main central characteristics of transformational leaders are intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, idealized influence, and inspirational motivation. Inspirational motivation involves the ability of the leader to create and express a vision and develop challenging goals for subordinates. Idealized influence entails an environment where the employees feel admired, trusted and follow their leader. Regarding individual consideration, it entails the leader's capability to focus on individual development nee...
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