Musical Performance and Analysis (Annotated Bibliography Sample)
For this task, i WAS EXPECTED TO create an annotated bibliography by finding 8-10 sources for A SUBSEQUENT research paper, listing the sources in APA-formatted references, and providing annotation for each source. Each annotation offers a summary of the source, an evaluation of its author’s or publisher’s credibility, and an assessment of its relevance to your topic.
Annotated Bibliography
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Annotated Bibliography: Musical Performance and Analysis
Thesis Statement: The link between analysis and performance is a generally equivalent correlation rather than undeniable parameters because both analysis and performance are expressive activities; musical performance and analysis are extremely similar since they function as communicators between music and audience; and analysts, like performers, are enthralled by the challenge of giving musical creations significance and conveying that value to others.
Annotated Bibliography: Please follow this template for each of your 8–10 annotations
Reference Citation (APA style required)
Cusick, Suzanne G. (1994). Gender and the Cultural Work of a Classical Music Performance. Repercussions 3 no. 1:77-110.
Summary: create a logical summary of the information presented in the source
The motive of this research is to assess the basic idea that a professional vocalist must portray material in a way that is authentic to the playwright's objectives. Cusick is investigating the impact of feminist critique on her musical knowledge. She sets her learners the task of hunting out performances that vary from the intended compositional aim in order to study the performer's liberty in modern musical theatre culture, resulting in the article's credibility and reliability.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source's author (if no author is listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
This source has a high level of credibility because its author is a music historian and musicologist. Notably, she has put out books expansively on sexual role and gender in correspondence to the musical values of initial modern-day Italy and up-to-date North America.
Relevance: analyze the relevance of each source to your chosen topic
This source is important to my research since the author advocates for a resolute performing approach that challenges triumph in the presentation of musical compositions. According to her, the best works' outmoded social systems are no longer relevant or understandable to a modern audience. As a result, I will use this source to demonstrate how Cusick uses performance to challenge commentators rather
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