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Television Negative Influence on Teenagers (Annotated Bibliography Sample)


A study carried on teenagers; show that there is a correlation between obesity and time spent on watching TV. The participants filled questionnaires relating to TV watching and time spent on computer use for 19 survey cycles and in a period of 57 months. The author tells us that during this time, the triceps and skinfold thickness were measured during every survey cycles. There were four screen time trajectory groups identified. During every survey cycle, the effect of screen time to percentage body fat was noted and modeled using linear regression

Television Negative Influence on Teenagers
Works Cited
Thesis: television programs have been blamed for the past decade for possessing negative influence on teenagers. Some of the negative influences include sexual risk and the teenager's tendency to imitate what they see on TV.
Alana, Semuels. Television Viewing at All Time- High. February 24, 2009
Alana believes that people are spending too much time watching TV than ever. It is the authors believe that this much time spent on watching TV is hindering our brain development hence the use of the term “mushier”. This means that with too much time spent on TV we are becoming lazy and stupid. Studies showed that persons of the age 18 to 24 pent as much as five hours a day watching videos online. This has even led to the growth of internet usage by over 4%. The author has therefore summed up the time spent online to the reason behind increase in obesity and lack of brain development. These are both negative influence of too much TV.
ANI. TV Wrestling A Bad Influence On Teens. March 11, 2012
Recent studies have revealed that teenagers who watch wrestling on TV tend to be more violent, practice unsafe sex and pose other risky behaviors as compared to teenagers who do not watch wrestling but watch other non violent programs. The researchers also found out that as the frequency rises of watching wrestling, the rate of this behavior also goes up. Of the 2300 teenagers of age 16 to 20 surveyed across America, 22% males and 14% females confessed to watching wrestling on TV over the last 2 weeks. At the same time, those found to have tried to hurt someone with a weapon had watched wrestling 67% more as compared to those who had not tried to hurt anyone. Also, those engaging in sex without the use of birth control had watched wrestling 42% more frequently as compared to those who used birth control. The researchers also found out that, smokers watched wrestling 31% more often as compared to non smokers. This clearly shows the effect of watching wrestling on TV has had on teenagers.
Barrie, Gunter & Jill, McAleer. Children and Television. New York: Routledge, 1997.
The authors in this book try to argue the relationship between the violence presented on TV to the violent behavior witnessed among individuals who spend too much on TV. The authors do a great work in examining how parents can influence their children TV watching patterns. This book, analyses the relationship between teenagers and TV. A look at the new entertainment Medias, we are able to see their role in influencing teenager's health and attitudes relating behavior. They have therefore done a great work in examining the effects of television and how we can respond to it. The authors have a conclusion that teenagers should be empowered to control television instead of television controlling them.
Bryant, Jennings. Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research (Lea's Communication Series). 3 Ed. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Bryant believes that the media, especially, TV tends to change teenager's opinions or view on health issues. The media (TV) of today is full of young and beautiful celebrities who grace the covers of all magazines and adverts. In the TV programs, they appear or look like the personification of beauty. These images of perfection are mostly faked and in the end, teenagers are presented with unachievable illustrations of beauty. This has greatly affected some teenager's health as some of them turn to some dieting methods in order to achieve the perfect bodies presented to them on TV. Presentation of violence on the media has led to confusing the teenagers when it comes to their moral reasoning. This is mostly prone on issues like sex and health among the teenagers. These among other reasons are why Bryant advocates in his book for the media to be more regulated.
Kyla, Boyse. Television and Children. March 11, 2012.
The author; Kyla, has argued both the positive and negative effects of Television. Kyla suggest that kids can learn a lot from television as compared to what parents want them to learn. The author goes ahead and affirms that television can affect children health, behavior and family life in some negative ways. Other suggestions include: Too much watching of TV tends to replace activities in a Childs life, the kids end up spending less time interacting with their family members, and excessive viewing of TV could lead to the children having poor grades, sleeping problem, obesity and behavioral problems. to conclude, the author has explored the negative effects of TV to children brain development and aggressive social behavior. We can therefore say that the author has done a great job of covering the negative influences of TV to teenager's life.
Nemours. How TV Affects Your Child. March 14, 2012
The Nemours foundation discovered from their research that most teenagers plug into the world of TV as early as before they started school. Their research shows that: an average of two thirds infants watch TV for at least two hrs a day, with kids under the age of six watching an estimated 2 to 4 hrs a day, while teenagers tend to spend over 4 hrs a day in front of the TV. These teenagers also spend an additional 2 to 3 hours in front of a computer and more hours playing video games. These early years of a child life are considered to be critical in brain development. It s the authors belief that too much time spent on TV will get in the way of teenagers, exploring, playing and interaction time. As these activities, are known to encourage learning, healthy physical and social growth.
Rebecca, Collins. Watching Sex on Television Predicts Adolescent Initiation of Sexual Behavior. Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. 97.4(2004): 19-52
Sexual initiation is known to be an important social and health matter. Results from survey have showed that a majority of teenagers wished that they had waited a little longer to have intercourse. Too much time spent on watching TV has been attributed to be the number one cause of unplanned pregnancies and STDs. This is due to the beginning of sexual activities in an earlier age. The American Academy of Pediatrics has therefore suggested that the portrayal of sex and rise of porn in the internet as source of entertainment on TV is the cause of the above issues.
Sheila, Troppe. Television and Teens. March 11, 2012.
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