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Annotated Bibliography: Role of Women (Annotated Bibliography Sample)

The roles of women have evolved significantly throughout time as a result of social, cultural, and economic factors. From their traditional responsibilities as domestic workers and caregivers to their active engagement in all parts of society, women have made enormous and transformative contributions. source..
Student’s Name Institution of Affiliation Professor Class Date Annotated Bibliography Introduction The roles of women have evolved significantly throughout time as a result of social, cultural, and economic factors. From their traditional responsibilities as domestic workers and caregivers to their active engagement in all parts of society, women have made enormous and transformative contributions. This annotated bibliography examines three academic texts that dig into the complicated lives of African American women in the middle of the 20th century, illuminating their perseverance, inventiveness, and unwavering pursuit of equality in the face of societal and financial constraints. Grim, Valerie. "“Tryin'to Make Ends Meet”: African American Women's Work on Brooks Farm, 1920–1970." Unrelated Kin. Routledge, 2021. 123-138. Summary In her research, Valerie Grim explores the lives of African American women who labored in the 1920s and 1930s on New Jersey's Brooks Farm, a community farm. In a culture steeped in racial and gender inequality, these women negotiated the complex confluence of race, gender, and class in search of financial independence and social advancement. They made possibilities for themselves and their family by being resourceful and resilient beyond belief. Evaluation Grim's study sheds light on African-American women's lives during a time of profound social and economic change. Her research demonstrates their tenacity and inventiveness in pursuing social and economic advancement in the face of a culture firmly rooted in racial and gender disparities. Grim's research adds to our comprehension of the past of African-American women's advocacy and labor in general. Imtiaz, Maryam, Muhammad Asif Khan, and Aamer Shaheen. "Marriage and the exploitation of women: A case-Study of The bell Jar by sylvia Plath." International Journal of Language and Literature.–2019.–7 (2).–P (2019): 50-54 Summary Maryam and collegues analyze how marriage is portrayed in Sylvia Plath's work The Bell Jar and how it affects women. They argue that Plath's work offers a critical examination of the limitations placed on women's lives by society's expectations and the institution of marriage. The study highlights the stereotype that marriage is a restrictive institution that limits women's autonomy and lessens their potential for self-actualization. Evaluation Plath's work and its examination of gender relations benefit greatly from the contributions of Imtiaz, Khan, and Shaheen. The protagonist's experiences are rendered more complicated in light of 1950s culture, as their nuanced interpretation makes clear. Important problems concerning the connection between women's liberty and marriage are brought up by their work. Conclusion The annotated bibliography examines African-American women's struggles in the 1950s. This has shown their resolve and resourcefulness in navigating a s...
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