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1 page/≈275 words
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Business & Marketing
Article Critique
English (U.K.)
MS Word
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Mind Map on Eclectic Car Technology Business Article Critique (Article Critique Sample)

Instructions: i want an assignment in which i send you an word document in the end there is a mindmap choose one component from that mind map and then choose one peer reviewed academic article and then follow the same instruction which i send you an image.


Mind Map on Eclectic Car Technology
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Mind Map on Eclectic Car Technology
Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the world’s giant moto-vehicle powerhouses whose impact go beyond the people using them to the flora and fauna in the environment. This Mind-map clearly reveals the major areas of Toyota’s adverse effects on the environment and what can be done to alter this status quo. The Map stats with shining a light on the Toyota Factory, where noise, gas emissions, solid waste and chemical refuse are all directed towards the environment, causing further ecological damage. The other area is gas emissions by the produced cars and the rest of the wastes from the final car shells as they retire from active service by humans. The map also provides clear concepts that can be applied to solve these issues in the long run.

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