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Literature & Language
Article Critique
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Arguing How Effective Turkle’s Use Ethos, Pathos, and Logos (Article Critique Sample)


Assessing and Arguing How Effective Turkle’s Use Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in her Article “Stop Googling, Let’s Talk”


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Assessing and Arguing How Effective Turkle’s Use Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in her Article “Stop Googling, Let’s Talk”
Whether meeting new friends, interrogating, or dating someone, face-to-face interactions enhance the quality of conversations. Face-for-face communication helps see the expression of the other person and assess the tone of their voice. However, cell phone conversations and social networking sites have eroded real-life communication because young people spend most of their time on these sites and gadgets. According to Turkle, cell phones are interfering with individuals’ ability to engage in meaningful conversations. Moreover, children’s exposure to cell phones has diminished their sense of empathy. As a result, Turkle suggests that humans should shun technology to improve their connections with their loved ones and friends and have time to engage with their thoughts. Technological proliferation has compelled people to isolate themselves from their loved ones because it affects bonding. Therefore, people should learn to manage their time online to enhance the quality of face-to-face interactions. Turkle uses ethos, pathos, and logos to emphasize cell phones’ negative impacts on engaging in meaningful conversions.

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