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Article Critique
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Nursing Assignment About Independent T-Test Article Critique (Article Critique Sample)


I was provided with a specific article and requested to write a critique with a focus on the independent t-test .


Independent T-Test Article Critique
Independent T-Test Article Critique
The study employed the independent samples t-test as part of the statistical analysis. Statistical analysis involved making a comparison of the demographic characteristics of the participating patients, including the CDUSG measures with the help of the independent samples t-test. The independent samples t-test applied to the continuous variables. The independent t-test is applied to unpaired groups that have distinct characteristics such that a participant in one group cannot fit in the other. In the case of this study, the groups comprised patients with patent and occluded LITA grafts. The results indicated that the researchers applied the independent samples t-test to the body mass index (BMI) and age of the participants. The independent t-test provides researchers with a way of determining the statistical significance of means of two different and unrelated groups.
In the study, the mean ages of the two groups that the researchers wanted to examine for statistical significance included the patent and occluded patients. The sample whose angiographic situation was patent comprised 78 participants while the rest of the sample representing the occluded patients was 60 participants. Patent and occluded represent the grouping variables while age is the characteristic of interest and independent variable. The findings indicated that the p-value was 0.006. According to the statistical analyses, the researchers deemed a p-value of less than 0.05 to be statistically significant. As such, the p-value of the ages of participants with patent and occluded LITA graft were statistically significant because it was lower than the statistically significant p-value of 0.05. The p-value suggests the rejection of the null hypothesis and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis that a significant difference exists in the mean ages of the two groups.
The BMI is another demographic characteristic subjected to the independent samples t-test. The two groups subjected to the t-test included patients with the patent and occluded LITA grafts with each sample comprising 78 and 60 participants respectively. The patent and occluded patient groups represent the grouping variables while BMI is the characteristic of interest and independent variable. The researchers found the p-value based on the mean BMIs of the two groups to be 0.863. The p-value of this demographic characteristic is not statistically significant taking into account that it is greater than the statistically significant p-value of 0.05. In this case, it is accurate to conclude that no significant difference exists in the mean BMIs of the two groups of the participating patients. With this in mind, the researchers overruled the alternative hypothesis and instead accepted the null hypothesis that implies a lack of ...
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