Article Summary and Critique Management Article Critique (Article Critique Sample)
Article summary and critique of the work titled "Towards inclusive and sustainable transformation in Shenzhen: urban redevelopment, displacement patterns of migrants and policy implications."
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Article Summary and Critique
Urban renewal is a logical approach employed by many metropolises around the world. In their article, ‘Towards inclusive and sustainable transformation in Shenzhen: urban redevelopment, displacement patterns of migrants and policy implications’, Liu et al. (2017) argue that urban planning researchers are not sure how this process can be conducted to the delight of all city residents. As the built-up areas expand, they engulf some upcountry spaces. This situation has precipitated the emergence of “villages in the city” (ViCs) across China (Liu et al. 2018, p. 24). Regrettably, redevelopment procedures have largely been exclusive to some residents at the expense of rural migrants. Liu et al. (2018) reveal the non-inclusivity of decision-making that results in inequality and the displacement of migrants. The researchers review the case of Shenzhen as a prototype of other rapidly growing cities in the world.