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1 page/≈550 words
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Literature & Language
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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A Review of John Humphry's Article (Article Critique Sample)

THe task was to review john humphry's article on text messaging. the sample shows my ability to write reviews. source..
Name Professor Course Date A Review of John Humphry's Article The title of the article: I h8 txt msgs: How texting is wrecking our language, is an oxymoron itself. This is because it states the author's dislike of writing in short form in the name of texting. However, the author goes on to use the same mode of writing in his article. This indicates that he finds himself using it, even though he does not like it. One of Humphry's main assertions is that texting has changed how we communicate such that dictionaries have changed to aid this (the removal of the hyphens from 16 000 words). In addition, people no longer write by hand and they prefer being texted rather than receiving voice messages that he finds irritating and a waste of time. Humphry has recognized the advantages of texting such as saving time and money, ensuring convenience, though grudgingly. The disadvantages such as the ridiculing of those who do not like texting, the emoticons he finds annoying, the ambiguous abbreviations, the death of handwritten documents and the inability of students to write well are many and well explained. I do not agree with his assertion that the ambiguous abbreviations are seemingly taking over. This is because of the function in the keyboards in phones and computers to predict the text that a person is writing. This means that one can express him/herself without needing to use short forms and still save time and money as texting is economical in itself. The...
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