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Healthcare Article Literature & Language Article Paper (Article Sample)


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Healthcare Article
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Healthcare Article
In the article titled, “Medicare Advantage plans' quality measures face new changes,” Maria Castellucci reports that the National Committee for Quality Assurance intends to revamp the quality measures used to assess Medical Advantage plans. Particularly, the proposed changes to HEDIS in collaboration with NCQA in relation to maintaining the tool measures that total around $24.2. The proposed changes include putting more aggressive in scope and number compared to the previous years. The committee also opts to abolish ambulatory care measurement that summarizes osteoporosis testing, utilization in older women and application of multiple antipsychotics in adolescents and children. However, there will be addition of metrics for assessing whether adults and adolescents undergoing treatment for substance use disorder used a follow-up service as well as evaluating whether women screened for clinical depressing in time of pregnancy received positive follow-up. NCQA is also working on approaches of improving efficiency of data collection and reporting.

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