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Case Study On Death And Dying Of Different Religion: Prime Reality (Article Sample)
Write about death and dying of different religion.
Case Study on Death and Dying
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To understand the concept of worldview, we must answer thefollowing questions: • what is prime reality?
According to Christianity teachings, God is the prime reality in Christian theism (). Christians regard God as a supreme and perfect being and the creator of the universe and all that is therein. Other attributes that are used to describe the supremacy of God by Christians are holy, eternal, righteous, powerful, all knowing, wise and glorious (). Christians believe in the holy trinity (God The father, son and Holy Spirit). God is infinite and beyond human imagination. God’s personality is that He wants to be known by His people and at the same time make himself known. In the Hindu religion Braham is viewed as the binding diversity in all that exist in the entire universe. Hindus have dualistic school where they teach generations the concept of Braham how he is different in the souls of each human being while others believe he is identical. Atman which is the soul of each human being, the Hindu believe Braham brings full connection of spiritual oneness and existence.
•What is the nature of the world around us?
Christians believe that God created the universe out of nothing. In Genesis 1, God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void (). Everything that was created was commanded into existence by God. God’s creation was order as the universe was created with order and structure (). Creation of the universe was also in an open system since it is not programmed in any particular manner. Instead, God continues to unfold His eternal purposes to His creation in each single day. Only God and those that He has given power are able to openly reorder the universe and its course. After creating man in His own image and likeness, God gave him power to dominate and rule over the earth. As a result, human behaviour and actions greatly influence God’s creation. Some cultural phenomenon and diverse religious beliefs mark the nature of the world around the Hindu, they belief that the earth is a manifestation of the goddess and must be treated with respect and care. The five elements which include the air, fire, water, space and earth make up the foundation of how life is connected. Dharma which can be interpreted as duty give Hindus thee responsibility of taking care of the earth. The Hindu live a simple life as a show of how they have developed a sustainable economy. They also believe the manner in which they treat the environment affects Karma.
• What is a human being?
Christians believe that God created human beings in his own image and likeness in order to reflect the glory of Gods character. This was to bring a sense that humans were like God as seen in the first two created beings Adam and Eve before sin befall the world through them. The fall of mankind was a cause of the original parents being possessed through sin against God. Murder, abortion, abuse and many acts done by man today were as a result of the original fall. Despite the fall of mankind God restored man from the guilty of sin by sending Jesus his eternal son to come and save mankind from the agony of sin. Jesus obeyed God perfectly having committed no sin he chose to carry the sins of mankind and die on the cross to save everyman. He rose from the dead and accomplished his mission which he was send by his father to do. This act of God sacrificing His only son was a way of restoring the fallen humanity and show love to the mankind. The Hindu believe that Brahman is the creator of a soul which uses its body and mind as instruments of gaining experience. Being the soul of man Brahman is given the name paramatman and the apparent soul is known as jivatman. A human being according to Hinduism has three bodies which include physical body, subtle body and the casual body. • What happens to a person at death?
Christian view on death is that each human being who dies has eternal life and relationship with God in heaven or gets separated eternally from God and is tormented forever. Each human being continues to exist beyond the grave either with God or totally without God. The difference on where to exist after death is brought by the personal relationship with Jesus the redeemer of the world. Those who chose to have faith and believe in Jesus Christ gets to enjoy life eternally with God their creator while those who didn’t have faith in Jesus Christ are tormented to live away from God. According to Hinduism on the view of death is that once a soul dies its gets to be reborn and reincarnated because of immortality of the souls which are imperishable. According to the laws of Karma the soul of a being is part of Jiva who is a subject to impurities of attachment. They believe that death is not a great calamity as it’s not the end of everything but a natural process in the existence of a being as a separate entity. When a soul dies it travels through two paths, the path of the sun and the path of moon. Once a soul travels through the path of the sun it doesn’t return again to mrityulok as it attains moksha while those traveling along the path of the moon return again.• Why is it possible to know anything at all?
Christians believe that human knowledge is as a result of God’s grace which is sufficient. Through God’s grace which is common all human beings are given the capacity to know the world around them and learn things about their creator. This ...
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