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Journal Entry (Article Sample)

the article is about a memoir of A Philosopher and Poet named Allama Iqbal. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, whose real name was Allama Iqbal, was a well-known politician, poet, and philosopher who is recognized as one of the most important intellectuals in contemporary South Asian history. I was given an instructions to write to Diary, 300-words, with 1-citation. source..
February, 2024 Dear Diary, A Philosopher and Poet: Allama Iqbal Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, whose real name was Allama Iqbal, was a well-known politician, poet, and philosopher who is recognized as one of the most important intellectuals in contemporary South Asian history. Iqbal was born in Sialkot, Pakistan, on November 9, 1877 (Saira & Sher Ali, 2020). His upbringing was marked by a strict Muslim upbringing and a strong early exposure to Islamic principles. Iqbal received his early schooling at Sialkot. Later, he moved to Lahore to attend a government institution and earn a Bachelor of Arts. After that, he went to England to continue his study. There, he graduated from Cambridge University with a bachelor's degree in philosophy, politics, and economics and went on to Munich University in Germany to earn his doctorate in philosophy (Saira & Sher Ali, 2020). Iqbal was familiar with a wide range of philosophy and educational ideas while living in Europe, which helped to form his point of view and inspire his well-known poetry and psychological work. Iqbal's poems, which is renowned for its vivid imagery, profound psychological knowledge, and potent themes of enlightenment and social transformation, is one of his most important achievements. Iqbal's passion for Islam and his desire to see Islamic ideals and values resurrected in the face of colonization, injustice in society, and moral degradation were the fundamental inspirations for his verses. Iqbal urged Muslims to overcome their personal and societal obstacles and pursue greatness in his poetry, emphasizing the value of self-realization, self-respect, and self-reliance. He ardently supported the creation of an independent Muslim state and took part in the fight for Muslims' rights in British India. The basis for the establishment of Pakista...
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