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Internet and Learning Technology Article Research Paper (Article Sample)


to look at the effects of internet on Leaning. the sample gave both cons and pros of internet in society and how it has affected higher learning


Internet distorts learning
What is internet? According to Oxford Dictionary, `` it is a global computer networking which provides variety of information and communication facilities-consisting of inter-connected networks which uses standardized protocols.” Computers which provide varieties of information are servers. You can access the information in the server by logging through it with another computer or internet-enabled phones.
There is no contention of internet being used as a unifying factor. It’s true that most countries are now realizing development in both education and communication through the use of internet. It is through internet platforms such as: Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Telegram, where people can share information and ideas. This has seen a boost in both the economic and social fabrics of the many societies. However, the cultural heritages of some notable societies have been made absolute by the same. The role of internet in promoting education should also never be disregarded. Many students can now access new information and academic materials on the internet. A lot of students are also benefiting from online courses that are now dominant.

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