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Benefits of Breathing Exercises (Article Sample)


Article talking about the benefits of breathing exercises

Benefits of Breathing Exercise
It is not apparent to the majority how breathing might save their sanity. People are always encouraged to take deep breaths whenever they experience negative emotions or when they are going through a stressful moment. But nobody ever explains why this is necessary. In fact, very few people ever take the time to take in some deep breaths during the day.
It will, however, surprise you how powerful deep breathing is, and this is why breathing is a major component of every yoga session. Here are some of the benefits you get through deep breathing or a regular breathing exercise-:
Muscle relaxation – proper breathing helps to release tension in the muscles of the body, resulting in muscle relaxation. If you stick to a regular breathing exercise, you will never worry about developing a lot of physical tension since your muscles will be relaxed for most of the time.
Improved oxygen supply in the body – breathing causes you to relax, which in turn makes oxygen be delivered into every cell of the body. The result of this is an improvement in the functioning of the entire system of the body as well as an increase in metal acuity and physical stamina.
Lowers blood pressure – since breathing releases the tension in your muscles, it makes the blood vessels to dilate thus bringing back the blood pressure to normal levels.
A release of endorphins – during a breathing exercise, the brain releases endorphin hormone, also known as the feel-good hormone. Endorphin will improve feeli...
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