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Book Report
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HUMAN CLONING (Book Report Sample)

This article review on ‘Preventing a Brave New World,’ by Leon Kass analyzes the controversial topic of human cloning. The author presents his ideas from a consequentialist perspective. His main argument is that human cloning defiles the sanctity of human body. Permitting the technology will open the door to numerous other vices thanks to technological innovation. He relies upon the slippery slope concept to warn proponents of human cloning. source..
Name: Course: College: Tutor: Date: Human cloning continues to elicit hotly contested debates concerning its abolition. Among the objections raised, the consequentialist approach stands out for its attempt to preserve the authenticity of the human species. Consequentialists view morality from a results spectrum. Morality hinges upon the results of an individual’s action. There exist some reservations that the cloning might lead to undesirable physical and psychological impacts upon the offspring. Despite the controversy, human cloning debate will end with emphasis on the slippery slope concept. From a personal perspective, the slippery slope concept holds weight in this debate. By definition, the slippery slope concept implies that permitting the pioneering event will only open an avalanche of similar ones in the future. Kass explains “the idea is that if we allow some action or practice, then we will open the door to other similar actions” (pg 475). It would be akin to a chain reaction where the activation of some trigger is the only condition. It will be much easier to undertake human cloning after liberalizing the practice. Such an action could lead to disastrous results on the offspring such a process brings forth. This argument makes perfect sense since human cloning is largely a new frontier in genetic science. Not too many experiments have occurred towards ensuring its safety and effectiveness. Therefore, giving the concept a green light will lead to numerous scientists attempting to clone humans. The results will be disastrous. Such should never transpire in a morally upright society. Morality demands that all members in society respect the sanctity of life. Humans are complex creatures and any cloning attempt would only imply disrespect for the sanctity of life. In addition, the slippery slope concept prevents harmful results from befalling the beings brought about by such a process. Due to scarcity of information concerning the cloning of humans, there are chances the resultant creatures might not possess similar physical and psychological attributes. At this instance, the researchers or prospective parents will reject the resultant being. This in itself would be catastrophic to the offspring which needs parental love. Kass explains “procreation dehumanized into manufacture is further degraded by commodification, a virtually inescapable result of allowing baby making to proceed under the banner of commerce” (pg 483). The next stop would be for the researchers to experiment on a different path. Human cloning might seem acceptable for one reason or the other. Despite the reasons, the world must resist the temptation to pursue practice. Liberating human cloning will only motivate conniving individuals to pursue the creation of super humans. These are mythical human mutants with seemingly superior traits. Kass explains “genetic supermarket’ in which prospective parents can pay to have an embryo genetica...
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