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Book Review
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“America” by ALLEN GINSBERG (Book Review Sample)

In Allen Ginsberg's poem "America," the poet delivers a compelling critique of the United States, challenging the nation to live up to its purported ideals and questioning the validity of the American Dream. Ginsberg's verse serves as a call to arms, urging citizens to confront the harsh realities of their country and strive for a more just and equitable society. Ginsberg opens his poem by posing the question, "America when will you be angelic?" This inquiry sets the tone for his exploration of the nation's imperfections and shortcomings. He proceeds to enumerate a litany of injustices, including the greed of the affluent and the looming threat of the atomic bomb. He characterizes America as an "old coward with frightened eyes," shedding light on the perceived moral cowardice and fear that he believes define the nation. By highlighting these flaws and demanding a higher moral standard, Ginsberg prompts readers to reevaluate their own beliefs and challenge the prevailing status quo. He asserts that the American Dream, often portrayed as an attainable and virtuous goal, is instead built on falsehoods. Ginsberg's words serve as a stark reminder that the nation is far from perfect, urging individuals to question established power structures and work toward a more egalitarian society. In conclusion, "America" is a vehement statement on the state of the nation, expressed through Ginsberg's vivid imagery and potent language. The poem serves as a rallying cry for a revolution against corrupt systems, calling upon citizens to unite in the fight for justice and freedom. Ginsberg's work remains a powerful call to action, reminding readers of their collective responsibility to strive for a better America that upholds the principles of equality and justice for all. source..
Name Instructor Course Date “America” by ALLEN GINSBERG The poem America by Allen Ginsberg is a powerful critique of the nation's state. He speaks of the hope and despair of being an American and how America is not living up to its ideals. He calls for change and an end to hypocrisy, warning that the nation is heading in a dangerous direction. His poem is a rallying cry for citizens to stand up and take action to protect the values and freedoms of our nation. In Allen Ginsberg's poem "America," the author challenges readers to reconsider the American Dream and even their belief system. Ginsberg begins by asking, "America when will you be angelic?" line 8, stanza one, suggests that he believes the country is far from perfect. He goes on to list the injustices and hypocrisies he sees, from the greed of the wealthy to the "atomic bomb," and asserts that the country is "an old coward/ with frightened eyes." By calling out the country's flaws and demanding a greater sense of moral righteousness, Ginsberg pushes us to question our own beliefs and the status quo. Ginsberg forces us to confront the reality that our country is far from perfect and that the American Dream is often unattainable and based on lies. He encourages us to challenge the systems of power and to strive for a more equal and just society. In conclusion, Allen Ginsberg's poem ...
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