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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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Ontario Racquet Club's Best Course of Action to Stay Afloat and Competitive (Case Study Sample)


This is a case study on Ontario Racquet Club best course of action to ensure it stays afloat and competitive


Case Study: Ontario Racquet Club
As a consultant to Pete Mitchell, I recommend that Ontario racquet Club pursues the twin option of Non-Member Children’s Programs and Sport Court Expansion. My specific recommendations are; One, immediate development of a policy/guideline to guide admission of children aged above eight years. Two, introduction of the non-member children’s programs with clear definition of activity roles and responsibilities. With initial outlay of $15,000 in advertising cost and an extra $12,000 in administrative costs, this venture will break-even at just 338 new admissions, a highly likely outcome given that this initiative is projected to yield 12,000 views. And lastly, that Board authorizes for the company to spend $750,000 from internal funds in expansion of the sport court to house a gym, full-sized basketball court, and provide additional space for weightlifting activities, drop-in basketball and volleyball. The expansion will also lead to introduction of new sporting activities such as badminton and pickleball, a new sport popular with retirees and seniors.
Qualitative Support: Enhanced Customer Experience
The expansion of the sport court, in particular, is bound to be a 

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