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Behavior-Cultural Differences in Job Satisfaction and Motivation (Case Study Sample)


THE TASK WAS TO CONDUCT A CASE STUDY ON The Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory. countries under survey are the United States, India, and Malaysia. This essay studies various cultural differences in job satisfaction and motivation on the above stipulated countries with respect to Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory

International Organizational Behavior-Cultural Differences in Job Satisfaction and Motivation
Student names
A comparison with respect to Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory
The countries under survey are the United States, India, and Malaysia. This essay studies various cultural differences in job satisfaction and motivation on the above stipulated countries with respect to Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory (Hofstede, 2001). The United States is currently an already developed and stable country in addition to a super power economically, while Saudi Arabia and Malaysia are under rapid development. The value dimensions employed in this study as cited from Hofstede (2001) include PDI (power distance index), individualism, pragmatism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and indulgence. The table below summarizes the findings researched:

PDI(power distance index)

Individualism Index

Masculinity Index


Uncertainty Avoidance


United States

40 (av.)

91 (V high)

62 (high)

46 (av.)

46 ( av.)

68 (high)

Saudi Arabia

95(V High)

25(v. low)



80 (high)

52 (high)

Table 1: Six value dimensions of U.S, Malaysia, and KSA. Source: THC (2015)Malaysia

104(E high)

26(v. low

50 (av.)


36 (low)


Countries’ comparison
United States is among the countries that exhibit average indexes of power distance. Malaysia on the other hand exhibits a relatively high index of power distance, which happens to be the same case for kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With Malaysia attaining an index of 104, it possibly depicts that the citizens of Malaysia simply embraces hierarchical power which each person having a respective place in terms of power. It is practical that inequalities do exist, centralization is common, as well as subordinates being looked down upon. Saudi Arabia being an Arabic republic, it is worthy mentioning that power seems to concentrate among few individuals, who ought to be renowned people, and not the commoners (THC, 2015).
Individualism in the United States is relatively high, while for Malaysia and Saudi Arabia being extremely low. Typically, it is known for western nations to be Individualistic while Asian (Arabic) states being collective in thinking. This explains the high index for U.S while low figures for Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. Regarding masculinity, a high index portrays masculine, which designates how the nation or society is compelled by success and competition, whereby success is described as the finest in the field. Conversely, a low index represents femininity, which entails quality of life and care for others being the principal values. For this case, all the three countries fall under masculinity, with U.S being on the lead, followed by Saudi Arabia and lastly Malaysia.
Uncertainty avoidance is another dimension that entails how a particular society handles the idea that the future can never be comprehended; Leading to questioning whether to alter the future or simply let it be? For this case, Saudi Arabian culture tend to avoid this dimension to explicit elevated levels, while the United States and Malaysia portray average and low levels respectively. Saudi Arabia stands an inclination for preventing uncertainty, hence upholding firm codes of traits and credence which are bigoted of unorthodox suggestions and reasoning. The United States exhibits an almost average score on this dimension (Uncertainty avoidance), which means existence of a reasonable degree of embracing new ideas, such as technological awareness. Finally, Malaysia’s low score depicts how this society believes in abolishment of ambiguous regulations that do not function as expected. Acceptance to innovation is not as embraced as well.
Pragmatically, the United States and Malaysia tend to score relatively below average. This means that the two states have no rich culture to maintain, but rather enjoy every moment with no hope for tentative future. Lastly, Saudi Arabia being an Arabic country has firm concern for identifying the supreme truth; they portray normative philosophy. Finally, Saudi’s culture demonstrates huge value for traditions, w...
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