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Case Study
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Whole Foods (Case Study Sample)


Unit II Case Study

Read “Whole Foods Market Practices What It Preaches,” which is a case on pages 110 and 111 of your course textbook, and discuss how Whole Foods Market's emphasis on the employee stakeholder leads to overall stakeholder well-being.

The body of your paper should be minimum of one page in length, not including

The title and reference pages


While you are not required to use sources outside of your textbook, if you choose to use them, they must be cited and referenced appropriately.

Whole Foods
Whole foods Market Supermarkets comprises of a chain of supermarkets that was established in 1978 as a counterculture food store. According to Mackey, one of the supermarket owners the store was established for the purposes. These are having fun, making money, and contributing to the well-being of other people in society. The company takes a stakeholder’s approach, and its mission is geared towards the satisfaction of the stakeholders (Halligan & Shah, 2014).
According to the stakeholders’ approach, the decision-making process needs to satisfy all the stakeholders’ interests, and this includes all the employees, should act as a guide for the decision-making process (Nam, 2012). Therefore, Whole foods market supermarket in this regards considers its employees as stakeholders in the company. It refers to its employees as team members and that the company places its employees by supporting them in every to develop as grow into whole people (Halligan & Shah, 2014). Through this emphasis on the growth of its employees, they promote initiative from them. They, therefore, allow them to experiment with new approaches for serving and satisfying the customers who according to Mackey are the top stakeholders (Halligan & Shah, 2014)
Through this freedom to initiate better methods of service, the employees as stakeholders become self-actualized and self-fulfilled. They in turn develop an urge to improve the well-being of the supermarket’s sta...
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