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605 JOURNAL 3-Features of a Perfect Organization (Case Study Sample)

Prompts: 1. What is your definition of a "perfect" organization? 2. What type of internal/external communication do you feel is effective and why? 3. What traditional organizational communication/processes/ideas do you think should be eliminated? 4. How would you encourage employee retention and motivation? 5. What is something (policy, goals, expectations, external communication, etc.) that you would do differently from other organizations in your same field/space? source..
Features of a Perfect Organization Name Department, University Course Instructor Date Features of a Perfect Organization The definition of a perfect organization is one with a utilitarian culture. According to the ethical theory of utilitarianism, the best action in any situation is one that produces the most good to most people (Abumere, 2019). Using the same approach, a utilitarian organization is one which strives to produce the most good to the majority of workers. Such an organization will create a culture of fairness, justice, and equality to keep majority of workers happy, motivated, and satisfied rather than the few at the top. One way to maintain a utilitarian culture is through consultative communication between management and lower level employees. This consultative approach can only be achieved through a bottom-up or a two-way type of internal communication, where junior employees are encouraged to contribute in decision making (Grossman, 2016). The bottom-up communication model allows the staff to present their honest opinions and concerns to the top management without any barriers, and the organization offers solutions to address the problems. The traditional communication method that should be eliminated is the top-down model. This communication model creates communication barrier between top management and junior employees. The former formulate instructions, which they pass down to their juniors at the bottom. A top-down communication leads to resentment among junior workers who feel that the organization does not care about their input. This resentment could result in a high employee turnover in the organization. Consequently, the best way to retain and encourage employees is to involve them in decision making. Employee engagement shows that the management trusts and values their input, which would help boost their morale, performance, and general satisfaction with the company. As a result, they would likely stay for the long haul because of the high level of job satisfaction. Employee involvement, however, does not mean listening to their opinions, ideas, or dissent and not working on them. Ignoring employees will create resentment and encourage them to move to other organizations that will value them. Thus, an organization has to survey its staff, introduce policies that address the issues raised, and then create a culture that values all employees. The one thing that I would do differently in other organizations is to overhaul the process of policy formulation. Most organizations have highly bureaucratic processes of setting up rules and guidelines, which only involve the top management. Since lower level employees are the most affected by these policies, they should be allowed to participate in the formulation processes. However, the top management is usually reluctant to involve the junior staff because they feel that their position in the company may be threatened. In addit...
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