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ADHD HTN and Obesity in Children (Case Study Sample)

This week, complete the Aquifer case titled Pediatrics 04: 8-year-old male well-child check. This case can be found under Aquifer Family Medicine. Apply information from the Aquifer case study to answer the following questions: How would you evaluate and manage a pediatric patient who has BP and BMI greater than what is expected for his/her age group? Which additional conditions would you want to screen for and why? What physical exam findings and diagnostic results would be concerning to you in this patient and why? What would be three differentials in this case? What are your final assessments (diagnoses) for this patient? What is your treatment recommendation and education for the patient and family? Why? source..
ADHD HTN and Obesity in Children Name Course Date A pediatric patient, with blood pressure and body mass index that is greater than expected for his age group, is considered obese because his BMI is greater than 95 percentiles. As a pediatrician, I would conduct assessments on the child to evaluate the causes of his current health status. With the help of his family, I would inquire about parameters that can lead to his current health status; history of physical activity, diet, psychosocial, and sleep. When it comes to management, the child should eat healthy foods containing low salt and calorie intake. Also, I would advise the family to engage the child in regular physical exercises to lose weight. Additionally, I would screen the child for cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular disease occurs when fat deposits build up in the arteries. Consequently, the blood vessels and the heart are affected. These diseases are common among people who are overweight or obese (Flynn, 2013). Moreover, BP is among the causes of cardiovascular disease. Upon physical examination, the BMI, abdomen, and skin. The pediatric patient had the following observable features; keratosis nigricans, Lordosis, breath shortness, knocking knees, and feet were flat. I was more concerned because physical examination in pediatric weight management is inevitable since it gives room for the treatment of other concomitant disorders. Children with obesity have higher chances of getting other complications such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and sleep apnea, to name a few. My final assessments and diagnosis for this patient would include: evaluating polysomnography which would determine if the child has Obstructive sleep apnea. Also, I would conduct a toxicology screen to ascertain if the child is involved in taking illicit substances due to anxiety and depression. Treatment is dependent on the history of the family, the age of the child, and the comorbid disorders...
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