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Nursing Grand Theories (Case Study Sample)


Differences between grand theories and middle range theories based on the case attached.


Differences between grand theories and middle range theories
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Theories in nursing provide a platform of relevance at both concrete and abstract level. Many theories differ from each other based in their varying levels of abstraction. A more abstract theory means that it is broader in its application in nursing. Grand theories are less concrete in their application in nursing. The grand theories provide a global understanding of the nursing practice. Examples of grand theories include Feminist theory, Adaptation model and Martha Rogers’s theory (Griffin & Landers, 2014).
The middle range theory at its basic bridges the gap between empirical observations and the general or high level theories. They are more explicit. The middle level theories are used in research to bring new developments in the nursing practice. Examples of these theories include Leninger’s cultural care theory and Health Belief Model (Fawcett & Desanto-Madeya, 2012).
In comparison to the grand theories, the middle level theories are more specific to the practice areas. The grand theories are general in their application irrespective of the settings. Even though middle level theories are broad, they address unique nursing issues such as pain and symptoms management (Riegel, Jaarsma & Strömberg, 2012).
Grand theories are more abstract and less concrete than the middle level theories. Their concepts provide a view of the whole nursing practice. The concepts of middle range theories are limited and fairly concrete. The theories are able to reach a specific population within a given time (Griffin & Landers, 2014).
In conclusion, both theories are important in the nursing practice. They provide professional guidelines in the cadre of nursing. These theories provide testable hypotheses t...
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