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Theoretical Analysis of Case Vignette: Factors to be Considered (Case Study Sample)
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Theoretical Analysis of Case Vignette
The maltreatment of a child could be among the single most avoidable cause of behavioral dysfunction as well as mental illness in most cases. Child mistreatment accompanied by neglect can result to interrupted development and probably lead to deficits of, failures of, delays in multisystem achievements. This later affects emotional, motor, language, and social, behavioral, psychosocial as well as cognitive skills. For individuals, especially children to relate safely with the world and other people they require positive perceptions and attitudes towards particular phenomena (Besthorn, 2015). If they experience a bad ordeal, then negative attitude is expected. This can be understood clearly in Case Vignette, where the seven year-old Emma demonstrates these behavioral changes owing to a past experience. The theoretical concepts developed by various psychological scholars will help understanding and elaborating the child’s presenting issues.
Factors to be considered in the case
In regard to the reasoning of biological psychologists, experiences and behavior is resulted by activity within the body’s nervous system (Babader, Ren, Jones, & Wang, 2016). The things which individuals feel and think, do and say are happen through electrochemical events that occur between and within the neurons which make up their nervous system, particularly those within the brain. In Emma’s case, her former experience of rape which may have been accompanied by threats and violence was scary. Thus, she changes her normal behavior into frequent tantrums, talking back and yelling. Emotion being one of the main psychological factors that affect human behavior is also reflected in Emma’s case. Emotions like joy or fear is likely to influence people’s judgment directly (Babader, Ren, Jones, & Wang, 2016). The individuals with a good mood mostly make judgments that are unrealistically optimistic, while those in bad mood become mostly pessimistic. The general argument in social psychology states that behavioral effects are dependent on individuals who act in their social networks’ context. In addition, social structures and norms largely identify people’s behavior, bearing little duty for the individual. In this case, Emma’s situation of rape by a school staff and ignorance from her father who doesn’t believe her story could make her more resentful and unfriendly. Thus, she keeps her distance even from her schoolmates even at her normal condition ((Besthorn, 2015). The developmental aspect cannot be ignored in this scenario since the "nature" and "nurture" terms help in understanding that human development is influenced and guided by relations of innate biological factors with exterior factors. Moreover, the progression in emotion, cognition and behavior which usually takes place at particular points within the lifespan, need events and maturation, experiences as well as influences in the social and physical environment.
Dynamic Systems theory concepts in the case
One of the main systems theory reflected in this case is the family systems theory which conceptualizes a family being a system (Gaol, 2014). Normally, a family should consist of interrelated portions where each impacts the other and contributes to the other’s growth. This means that family members may be influenced by the other members in various ways. Emma’s father shows lack support by disregarding her "story" of rape and even skips the family sessions. This could add to Emma’s hysterics as she feels ignored by her closest family member. The systems theory is vital in case vignette since it mainly focuses on the way people relate with their environment. Emma at this point is not a friendly type and she changes her moods often which could show a sign of loneliness both from the inside and outside. This concept is quite useful for getting a holistic outlook for individuals in environment. In addition, it improves the knowledge of interactions between micro-meso-macro ranges of organization, while enriching contextual knowledge of behavior on the other hand. Behaviorism and social learning is also a critical concept which illustrates the manner in which persons develop cognitive performance and learn by acting on their environment. This theory helps in enabling symptomatic and behavioral alteration and assesses specific cognitive functioning, family and group interactions.
The concepts involved in Ecological perspective
Ecological systems theory tends to explain the way all that is found in a child and the environment triggers how the child develops and grows. There are different levels or aspects of environment that control children’s development. Microsystem is one of the levels that describes the tiny immediate surrounding the young one lives in. The Microsystems of children consist of immediate organizations or relationships they interact with like the caregivers, immediate family as well as their school. The manner in which these organizations or groups relate with the child is likely to have an outcome on the growth of the child. The Mesosystem elaborates the way diverse parts of Microsystems of a child work uniformly for the child’s sake. For instance if two parties raising the child disagree and thus attempt to offer him with conflicting lessons, the growth may be hindered in diverse channels. The concept of Exosystem incorporates the other places and people that the child is not likely to relate with, even though it may have a great affect on him like workplaces of parents, the neighborhood and extended family among others.
Strengths and limitations of the theories (dynamic and ecological)
Dynamic systems
Behavior is examined within context through this theory and it reflects some hope in this particular area because it applies a thorough work. Moreover, due to fact of focusing on numerous and different contextual factors, dynamic systems leaves no room for focusing on the factors of just nurture or just nature. The fact that it lacks the right manner of developing, this theory becomes resistant to pathologizing the individuals that f...
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