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Counselling theory. Psychology Case Study Assignment. (Case Study Sample)


The task was aimed at applying what was learnt in theories of Counseling to a case study


Counseling Theory
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Psychoanalysis theory
These are a set of assumptions that deal with the study of the unconscious mind, which forms a method of treatment for solving cognitive disorders. This theory was developed by a man named Sigmund Freud from Austria, who was a neurologist in the 1890s; this theory was triggered when Sigmund Freud had a friend Dr. Breuer who had a patient whom he helped recover memories of traumatic experience which she had hidden in the unconscious mind (Safran, & Hunter, 2020). This case made Sigmund have an interest in the unconscious mind and implement the development of some of the most swayful ideas. This theory aims at releasing past emotions and memories, thus leading the client to seek counseling to healing (Mclean, 2018). The psychoanalysis theory's goal is to ensure that one opens up to the challenges that they have had in the past that have not been resolved yet affects today's behavior. Therefore the primary purpose of this theory is to widen the unconscious material into consciousness, thus improving how the ego functions. This helps an individual to be more aware of biological drives and therefore be able to control them. 

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