Ethical Ethical Business Management Case Study Management Case Study (Case Study Sample)
Ethical Business Management
Case Study Report
Principles on Ethics
(2,000 words)
Assessment 1 - Case Study Report
For this assignment, student will write a case study report in 2,000 words based on a case identified with circumstance or event that describes an ethical issue, within an Asia-Pacific business context from a media source (newspaper article, blog, advertisement) to bring to Week 3 tutorial. During this tutorial, the tutor will review your chosen issue to ensure that it has a suitable business ethical dilemma. Analyse your chosen case by applying either virtue ethics OR utilitarian ethical theories, arguing both the claims and the criticisms of your chosen theory in relation to your chosen case.
The use of ethical case studies from other courses is not permitted and will result in a FAIL grade.
For the required format of the Case Study Report, please access the Assessment Structure Style Guide.
Essential Texts and Materials:
Prescribed text: (Students are expected to have access to the prescribed text as required)
Shaw, W.H., Barry, V., Issa, T. and Catley, T. 2013. Moral Issues in Business. 2nd Asia Pacific edition. Melbourne: Cengage
Students are expected to review readings on SharePoint associated with the lectures.
Additional readings:
* Ciulla, J.B., Martin, C., Solomon, R.C. (2007), Honest Work : A Business Ethics Reader, New York, Oxford University Press
* Clegg, S.R., and Rhodes, C. (2006), Management Ethics: Contemporary Contexts, London, New York, Routledge
* Beauchamp, T.L., and Bowie, N.E. (2005), Ethical Theory and Business 7th Edition; USA, Prentice Hall
* Knights, D. and Willmott, H. (eds.). 2007. Introducing Organizational Behaviour & Management, Thomson Learning, London
Submission guidelines:
* Typed in case study report format as specified in the Assessment Structure Style Guide
* Students must refer, in text, to a minimum of 18 academic articles apart from the prescribed text, plus others as required, in order to show competency in the assessment.
* A school assessment cover sheet plus the marking guide is to be included with your paper.
Ethical Business Management Case Study
Executive summary
The aim behind to conduct this report to analyze the utilitarian theory applications in the context of the OSI China food scandal. The analysis concluded various impacts of the scandal on the company. The processing of the expired meat and selling it, shows that the company was not caring about the ethics.
The study concluded that unethical behavior has a huge impact on the business, it damages the brand value of the product and stop the customer to buy the particular product or services. In the short term there can be advantages through the unethical way, but there are various harmful consequences of the unethical behavior.
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive summary PAGEREF _Toc528013585 \h 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc528013586 \h 32. Findings PAGEREF _Toc528013587 \h 32.1 Business background of the OSI PAGEREF _Toc528013588 \h 32.2 Utilitarianism Theory PAGEREF _Toc528013589 \h 42.3 Brand Damage PAGEREF _Toc528013590 \h 52.4 Ethical decision making PAGEREF _Toc528013591 \h 62.5 Corporate social responsibility PAGEREF _Toc528013592 \h 6Conclusion and recommendation PAGEREF _Toc528013593 \h 7References PAGEREF _Toc528013594 \h 8
The aim behind the report is to analyze the ethical issue behind the one of the eminent food company of the china, Husi Food Company. It is a Chinese subsidiary of OSI, in the world, it is the one of the biggest food processor company. The reputed company processed the expired meat, to avoid the losses. In the report, we are going to analyze the ethical issues with the various angles. The report will also provide a few suggestions and recommendation for the enhancement of the ethical situation.
The authority of China has taken action against the company for this misconduct. The food industry of China has affected a lot because of this scandal and company also loses the believe of the customers. The OSI is the lead company in the world of the meat processing, after this ethical issue various other company broke the relationship with OSI, to whom this company was supplying beef and chicken CITATION Phi16 \l 1033 (Philips & Kim, 2016).
Through this report we will see four areas, the business background of the OSI, Kant ethics theory on OSI, brand damage of OSI and corporate social responsibility of it in the current situation.
2. Findings