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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Good clinical judgment in nursing entails qualities such as critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and decision-making. Nurses must observe, analyze, and respond to patients' needs accurately and purposefully. They should continuously build knowledge, gain hands-on experience, and stay updated with medical research. Challenges include gaining hands-on experience, managing anxiety, and dealing with communicable diseases. Overcoming these challenges requires proper training and support for nurses. References: Siewdass, P. (2022). Nurses are critical thinkers. The BMJ. Eight ways to improve clinical judgment. Retrieved from source..
Name Course Affiliation Professor CLINICAL JUDGEMENT PIRETTE Qualities and Behavior of Good Clinical Judgement Clinical judgment is a major skill any nurse in practice or professional should possess. The ability to look at a patient and immediately contemplate their needs and give the proper directive is a special skill that most nurses are expected to apply. This skill comes naturally for some while for most, it is a skill that is taught and practiced time and again till it becomes a part of them. Furthermore, practice does make perfect. A nurse who is a critical thinker with great clinical judgment possesses good critical thinking qualities and behavior. They must have exceptional clinical reasoning. This usually stems from being a good critical thinker. Their way of observing, analyzing, and contemplating issues should be purposeful, non-discriminative, and accurate. Clinical reasoning which is taught through practice enables any nurse to process a patient’s data fast and respond to their needs in the right way. They should also be good decision-makers. If a nurse is indecisive or whose decisions are biased, a lot of chaos would happen in hospitals and many patients could be left unattended. It is therefore important that a nurse should be able to make good and sound decisions. In most cases, patients’ lives depend on the nurses attending to them. That means, to make good and sound decisions on the next cause of action on a patient, a nurse should be knowledgeable and not have self-judgment but act in favor of their patients. This all sums up to another quality that nurses should possess- Techne and Phronesis. These two refer to the ability to make things happen and produce outcomes. Strategies to build on better Clinical Judgments For a nurse to be able to have these qualities, it is important that they build on their knowledge, gain hands-on experience and ensure that they are constant in their medical research and analysis. Knowledge is the key to success. This said, to be a successful nurse who can attend to many patients and produce great treatment outcomes, one must have the know-how in medicinal practices. With the knowledge at hand, practicing what you learn will help you understand it better and even build on memory. Once they have practiced, it is good for a nurse to be constant in their practice. This is because diseases mutate and new diseases come up that have similar symptoms. Ensuring that you are always on the ground to g...
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