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Emotional Intelligence In Nursing Leadership Positions (Coursework Sample)


Roles played by emotional intelligence in nursing leadership positions
Leaders face numerous kinds of challenges as they are tasked with managing an extensive network individual working under them. The case is not exceptional among nursing leaders. Nursing leaders who possess high emotional intelligence are advantaged over those who have low emotional intelligence. One of the roles of emotional intelligence in nursing leadership positions is that it determines the level of an individual to manage their own emotions of those of the junior nurses around them. Emotional intelligence helps a nursing leader to be self aware


Nursing Leadership
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Roles played by emotional intelligence in nursing leadership positions
Leaders face numerous kinds of challenges as they are tasked with managing an extensive network individuals working under them. The case is not exceptional among nursing leaders. Nursing leaders who possess high emotional intelligence are advantaged over those who have low emotional intelligence. One of the roles of emotional intelligence in nursing leadership positions is that it determines the level of an individual to manage their own emotions of those of the junior nurses around them. Emotional intelligence helps a nursing leader to be self aware (McQueen, 2014, p. 102).Self awareness among nurse leaders is imperative since it helps them understand themselves and know how their emotions and actions have the capability of affecting their fellow workmates. Also, emotional intelligence helps nursing leaders to regulate themselves and creates self motivation within them. It is very important for nursing leaders to have high emotional intelligence as it aids them to manage their emotions well and know how to control those around them. Emotional intelligence among nursing leaders can be measured using different kinds of EI assessments such as Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI Test (MSCEIT) and Wong's Emotional Intelligence Scale among others (Sullivan & Decker 2013, p. 16).
Why some leaders may succeed in the business world
There are numerous leadership theories that have emerged in the 21st century explaining why some leaders may succeed and others fail to succeed in the business world. Among all these theories, there are several values that are considered fundamental in a leader (Sullivan & Decker 2013, p. 16). One of the values is being aware. Having high level of awareness is important for a leader to understand the changing trends and dynamics in the contemporary business world. Another value is persuasiveness. Consumers need to be persuaded to buy an idea or product; therefore, a leader who is good in persuasion is advantaged in the current business world (McQueen, 2014, p. 102).
Impacts of changes in the industrial age of leadership to Relationship age of leadership in the hospital setting
Due to shifts in leadership from industrial age to relationship age, it is clear that the healthcare sector will be affected too. Some of the shifts that will take place in the hospital comprise of how clients are being treated and how employees are treated within the workplace. Patients will expect quality service while hospitals will try and improve on their relationship with their patients (Sullivan & Decker 2013, p. 16).
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